I have 1 SSD (128 GB) and 1 HDD (1000 GB)

Yesterday, I used this tutorial to migrate my /home directory to a different partition



(followed all steps, less 'Moving /home into /old_home' and 'Deleting the old Home' which they seemed irrelevant for me)

I want / and its content (less home) to be stored on the SSD (sda) and /home inside the HDD (sdb)

So this is my df by the moment:

 $ df -H | grep /dev/

    Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on

    /dev/sda1       269M   81M  188M  31% /boot/efi
    /dev/sdb1       242G  205G   26G  90% /
    /dev/sdb2       312G  117G  180G  40% /home

I'm about to move the / dir to sda but this happened:

GParted on HDD(sdb)

/ seems like has /home inside

The contradictory part is that nautilus and baobab (or disk usage analyzer) shows / size to approximately 15.6 GB.

root directory properties

Not letting me copy/paste the / partition tho SDD(sda) (remember SDD has 128 GB)

Please see these links (Disk Usage Analyzer reports)

enter image description here

enter image description here

1 Answer 1


Finally!! This was a bit hard for me What I did is: Press ctrl+H on the / directory and " .Trash-0" will appear. So frustating!

I realized this when I used commands to display largest files or dirs. These are shown in this Question Linux utility for finding the largest files/directories

Just rests rm -rf ./.Trash-0 and that's it

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