I am using a DSL router that has modem and router in one unit. All of my devices are able to connect to the Wi-Fi but internet only works on only one of them (no bias towards any of the devices). Generally this is the device that connected to the Wi-Fi first. I have reset the system several times but the problem persists. An additional problem that comes up is if my laptop is connected to Wi-Fi and using internet, then my phones ask me to sign-in to Wi-Fi whenever I connect to it. Mostly, it doesn't sign-in and I give up and use cellular data. As a trial, I deactivated WLAN on this router and connected a wireless router (only router, the kind that connects to a cable modem) to use as the Wi-Fi access point but the problem still persists. Can anyone help me solve this?

  • Make sure all your devices are configured to obtain IP and DNS automatically. It may be that you have one or more IP address conflicts...
    – Kinnectus
    Commented Sep 10, 2016 at 15:14

1 Answer 1


(Please give more details - about your DSL modem model etc)

Try chaning your Wi-Fi channel. I have experienced this issue earlier, and it was my wireless channel number that caused interference with other WiFis around it.

Change your wireless channel to 1, 6 or 11 (which are totally non interfering channels). It may solve your issue.

  • I have already tried changing the channel but it doesn't work. I did it again and still nothing. What details do you need for the modem?
    – dexr
    Commented Sep 29, 2016 at 4:23
  • I mean, I need the brand and the model number. Is your DHCP server turned on in your modem router? Commented Sep 30, 2016 at 11:26
  • Its a Teracom TDSL300W2. DHCP is on. Simply said internet always works on laptop. phones can connect during this time but either its always stuck at sign-in to wifi network or it signs in but internet will never work. If I disconnect my laptop, then it will work on phone (maybe phones sometimes). This link will give you a look on the setup page for this modem: netvuze.com/2013/04/dsl-broadband-modem-configuration.html.
    – dexr
    Commented Oct 1, 2016 at 17:18
  • 1. Seems like you use BSNL ADSL broadband. What is the MTU set in the router? Set as 1458 and restart the modem router. 2. Try resetting the modem router. Commented Nov 24, 2016 at 11:50

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