I've recently installed Metasploitable 2 and I would like to set up it's network in the following way:
I'm running Metasploitable 2 on a VirtualBox on my PC, and what I'd like to do is to be able to communicate with it through Kali Linux which is installed on my laptop (not virtually).

My question is: How do I need to set up the network on VirtualBox for this to work?

I already tried: How to do networking between virtual machines in VirtualBox?
with no success, probably because I only have one VM and can't choose Internal Network because Metasploitable 2 is full of exploits which will expose me to hackers...

Thanks in advance.

  • Might I suggest Vagrant? You may find it's substantially simpler to stand up multiple boxes for attack / defense by familiarising yourself with both hardening techniques in Metasploitable and attack techniques in Kali. Added bonus, when you're done for the day you can blow away the boxes with a quick vagrant destroy and start over the next day with vagrant up from scratch. You can also vagrant destroy at the end of your sessions to ensure you don't leave metasploitable running. A candidate vagrantfile is here: github.com/madsec/tha-lab_setup/blob/master/assets/Vagrantfile Commented Jul 27, 2016 at 4:11
  • Metasploitable 2 is full of exploits for others. All though I can understand that it might have its own security flaws, I am 100% sure a hacker is not going to be waiting for you specifically to turn it on. If you really think that a hacker will pwn your box instantly then your ego must be very large ;P.
    – f3rn0s
    Commented Aug 11, 2016 at 23:09
  • @Tealkine Thanks for the reply. I thought about it as well, and your probably right. The reason I was asking is because I saw some tutorials and guides for setting up Metasploitable 2 and each of them recommended for setting it up with Host-only Adapter...
    – Eyal
    Commented Aug 12, 2016 at 20:34


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