When you press the WIN-key or press "Activities" you can start typing and you will find installed programs.

Currently, when I search for Nemo it doesn't show up. I'm on stock Fedora 23 with default desktop environment and I have two other computers with the same system but searching Nemo works there..

When I start Nemo on command line it doesn't show up in the left application panel neither.

How can this be and how do I repair this?

  • what is Nemo? How did you install it? Does it have *.desktop file?
    – Jakuje
    Commented Jun 19, 2016 at 16:09
  • Nemo is a file manager. In fedora you install it with dnf install nemo. And yes, there is a desktop file.
    – frans
    Commented Jun 19, 2016 at 17:03
  • AFAIK, it is because of the missing appdata.xml, but there might be more problems. Anyway, this file manager is for Cinnamon and not for Gnome (you can use Nautilus here).
    – Jakuje
    Commented Jun 20, 2016 at 11:47

1 Answer 1


First of all, I would like to mention that, as far as I know, Nemo comes with another desktop different than Gnome, that is, Cinnamon so it's kind of "configured" for that one.

Following up the suggestion made earlier about the .desktop file, I did the following:

  1. I got the location of the .desktop file for Nemo:

    # rpm -ql nemo | grep desktop
    /usr/share/applications/nemo.desktop     <<< this is the one we need
  2. After reviewing it, I found the following parameter which seemed suspicious to me for the behavior I was experiencing:

    # grep -i only /usr/share/applications/nemo.desktop
  3. I commented this line out and now Nemo appeared in the search when pressing the Super-key.

    # vim /usr/share/applications/nemo.desktop
    # grep -i only /usr/share/applications/nemo.desktop

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