I would like to generate a certificate that can be used only for HTTPS. For example, if I use the same certificate for my web server (HTTPS) and my mail server (IMAPS) using the same certificate, the user can only connect to the web server only via HTTPS.

  • It is not very clear what you are trying to avoid the user doing? Or is it the administrator you are trying to avoid doing something?
    – Nichlas H.
    Commented Feb 2, 2016 at 9:39

1 Answer 1


While creating the certificate you cannot limit the way it can be used. But afterwards, you yourself decide if you want to use it for HTTPS and/or IMAPS.

In your webserver settings you can decide to only allow access via HTTPS and not via HTTP (although it is advicable to use redirection instead of denying HTTP outright).

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