I have 50 PDFs files and I want to extract first page of each file i do not know how it is to be done? kindly help me for this problem.


1 Answer 1


many ways to skin a cat. You are on windows? First install cygwin from cygwin.org.

Install pdftk from here https://www.pdflabs.com/tools/pdftk-the-pdf-toolkit/

then open a cygwin shell

pdftk (pdf toolkit) is open source and can extract a given page.

if you write these 4 lines code into a file called get-page-one.sh (you'll have to change the path to the pdftk.exe executable)

for i in *pdf; do
/path/to/pdftk.exe "$i" cat 1 output "new-$i"; 

then run it with sh get-page-one.sh

it will create a new pdf prefixed with new- for every pdf in the directory you are in. Stuff all your pdfs into the same dir first.


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