It seems as if apple has forgotten to build in a keyboard shortcut for "Loving" or "Hearting" the currently playing song in iTunes. This is unfortunate because often whilst I am working I would like to heart an unfamiliar song without context switching over to iTunes and loosing my focus. Is there any undocumented way of doing this? I know I can use automation similar to: How can I run an applescript from my Mac with a shortcut (without using 3rd party apps)? but it would be nice to be able to use something native to iTunes rather than an applescript such as:

tell application "iTunes"
set loved of current track to not loved of current track
end tell


2 Answers 2


I didn't find anything better than this solution, but I updated it to not "unlove" tracks that already marked as loved.

tell application "iTunes"
  if current track is not loved then
    set loved of current track to not loved of current track
  end if
end tell

Here's the 2024 Apple Music version:

tell application "Music"
    set favorited of current track to true
    -- set disliked of current track to false -- if you wish
end tell
tell application "Music"
    set favorited of current track to false
    set disliked of current track to true
end tell

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