
I heard on the internet that defragmenting an SSD is quite harmful. I was wondering if it is true, and if so, why? I've already done it a few times and it didn't seems to be broken at all.


1 Answer 1


Unlike platter drives, SSD drives can only be written to a set number of times. By defragmenting you are shortening your drive's lifespan for very little gain.

Fragmented files don't affect the speed of a SSD drive in any noticeable way so there is no reason to defragment.

  • 1
    it is not bad all times: superuser.com/a/1009410/174557 Commented Dec 5, 2015 at 8:26
  • The last part of this answer is not true any more. Modern SSDs often hit their I/O per second (IOPS) limit before they hit their bandwidth limit. The more fragments a file is in, other things being equal, the more I/Os it will take to read it. Commented Dec 5, 2016 at 4:57

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