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Tomas Sedovic
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ctrl+h as backspaceBackspace in linux everywhereGUI apps

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Tomas Sedovic
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ctrl+h as backspace in linux everywhere

After doing some work in linux terminals, I got used to the Ctrl + h shortcut acting like the Backspace key.

Now I want to use this shortcut everywhere (not just in terminal).

This is easily done in Windows via Autohotkey, but I can't find a way of globally setting this behaviour on linux.

Most (GUI) applications do nothing after pressing the shortcut and some (I'm looking at you, Firefox) show a useless (for me) sidebar and screw the keyboard focus, which is a rather unpleasant slap in the face.

So, does anyone here know how can I globally map Ctrl + h to Backspace under X?

I tried to look at the xkb keymap files, but without success.

I'm using Gnome and Awesome at the moment, but if it can be done regardless of the window manager, all the better :-).