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I say Reinstate Monica
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Yes, you can set up your WiFi connection so that you could watch the streams via WiFi.

It is best if you can set up a separate virtual access pointpoint (if your router supports the creating of these virtualVirtual Access pointsPoints).

  The reason tofor this is that enabling the streaming ofof UDP with IGMP floods your WiFi network reducing it'sits efficiency as other wireless devices that don't want the stream packets will receive them.

  By creating this virtual access point only those who want to watch the Stream can connect to it.

First of, tell me what type of router you are using!!.

Just go through these links to get an idea.

ConfiguratingConfiguring your router can be quite confusing! Because because there are several steps to follow before you can get the stream working via WiFi.

  1. create a virtual access point in the WLAN page of your router.

    Create a virtual access point in the WLAN page of your router.
  2. enable IGMP protocol where you see it eg- in the Lan page or where ever it is in your router.

    Enable IGMP protocol where you see it e.g. in the LAN page or where ever it is in your router.
  3. Go to the Port Mapping page ( aka VLAN functions) page of your router.

    Go to the Port Mapping page (a.k.a. VLAN functions) page of your router.
  4. Know it's all up to you, find the interface/ group that your IPTV set up box is connected to!

    Know it's all up to you, find the interface/ group that your IPTV set up box is connected to.
  5. Add the Virtual Access point interface (WLAN- VP0/ this should be your virtual access point interface, depends on your router ) to the group which has your IPTV box is connected to. This will forward your UDP packets to your Virtual WiFi interface.
  6. Connect to your new access point using a laptop, etc. Sometimes UDP won't work on some Android devices as they don't support multicasting. For that further configuration is needed.

5)Add the Virtual Access point interface ( wlan- VP0/ this should be your virtual access point interface, depends on your router ) to the group which has your IPTV box is connected to.

This will forward your UDP packets to your Virtual WiFi interface.

  1. connect to your new access point using a laptop, etc . Sometimes UDP won't work on some android devices as they don't support multi casting! For that further configuration is needed.

THATSThat's it! Hope it works cuz for mebecause it worked for me.

  All the best

 . Cheers Mate.

Yes, you can set up your WiFi connection so that you could watch the streams via WiFi.

It is best if you can set up a separate virtual access point (if your router supports the creating of these virtual Access points).

  The reason to this is that enabling the streaming of UDP with IGMP floods your WiFi network reducing it's efficiency as other wireless devices that don't want the stream packets will receive them.

  By creating this virtual access point only those who want to watch the Stream can connect to it.

First of tell me what type of router you are using!!

Just go through these links to get an idea.

Configurating your router can be quite confusing! Because there are several steps to follow before you can get the stream working via WiFi.

  1. create a virtual access point in the WLAN page of your router.

  2. enable IGMP protocol where you see it eg- in the Lan page or where ever it is in your router.

  3. Go to the Port Mapping page ( aka VLAN functions) page of your router.

  4. Know it's all up to you, find the interface/ group that your IPTV set up box is connected to!

5)Add the Virtual Access point interface ( wlan- VP0/ this should be your virtual access point interface, depends on your router ) to the group which has your IPTV box is connected to.

This will forward your UDP packets to your Virtual WiFi interface.

  1. connect to your new access point using a laptop, etc . Sometimes UDP won't work on some android devices as they don't support multi casting! For that further configuration is needed.

THATS it! Hope it works cuz for me it worked.

  All the best

  Cheers Mate

Yes, you can set up your WiFi connection so that you could watch the streams via WiFi.

It is best if you can set up a separate virtual access point (if your router supports creating Virtual Access Points). The reason for this is that enabling the streaming of UDP with IGMP floods your WiFi network reducing its efficiency as other wireless devices that don't want the stream packets will receive them. By creating this virtual access point only those who want to watch the Stream can connect to it.

First, tell me what type of router you are using.

Just go through these links to get an idea.

Configuring your router can be quite confusing because there are several steps to follow before you can get the stream working via WiFi.

  1. Create a virtual access point in the WLAN page of your router.
  2. Enable IGMP protocol where you see it e.g. in the LAN page or where ever it is in your router.
  3. Go to the Port Mapping page (a.k.a. VLAN functions) page of your router.
  4. Know it's all up to you, find the interface/ group that your IPTV set up box is connected to.
  5. Add the Virtual Access point interface (WLAN- VP0/ this should be your virtual access point interface, depends on your router ) to the group which has your IPTV box is connected to. This will forward your UDP packets to your Virtual WiFi interface.
  6. Connect to your new access point using a laptop, etc. Sometimes UDP won't work on some Android devices as they don't support multicasting. For that further configuration is needed.

That's it! Hope it works because it worked for me. All the best. Cheers Mate.

added new steps
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Yes, you can set up your WiFi connection so that you could watch the streams via WiFi.

It is best if you can set up a separate virtual access point (if your router supports the creating of these virtual Access points).

The reason to this is that enabling the streaming of UDP with IGMP floods your WiFi network reducing it's efficiency as other wireless devices that don't want the stream packets wilolwill receive them.

By creating this virtual access point only those who want to watch the Stream can connect to it.

First of tell me what type of router you are using!!

Just go through these links to get an idea.

Configurating your router can be quite confusing! Because there are several steps to follow before you can get the stream working via WiFi.

  1. create a virtual access point in the WLAN page of your router.

  2. enable IGMP protocol where you see it eg- in the Lan page or where ever it is in your router.

  3. Go to the Port Mapping page ( aka VLAN functions) page of your router.

  4. Know it's all up to you, find the interface/ group that your IPTV set up box is connected to!

5)Add the Virtual Access point interface ( wlan- VP0/ this should be your virtual access point interface, depends on your router ) to the group which has your IPTV box is connected to.

This will forward your UDP packets to your Virtual WiFi interface.

  1. connect to your new access point using a laptop, etc . Sometimes UDP won't work on some android devices as they don't support multi casting! For that further configuration is needed.

THATS it! Hope it works cuz for me it worked.

All the best

Cheers Mate

Yes, you can set up your WiFi connection so that you could watch the streams via WiFi.

It is best if you can set up a separate virtual access point (if your router supports the creating of these virtual Access points).

The reason to this is that enabling the streaming of UDP with IGMP floods your WiFi network reducing it's efficiency as other wireless devices that don't want the stream packets wilol receive them.

By creating this virtual access point only those who want to watch the Stream can connect to it.

First of tell me what type of router you are using!!

Just go through these links to get an idea.

Cheers Mate

Yes, you can set up your WiFi connection so that you could watch the streams via WiFi.

It is best if you can set up a separate virtual access point (if your router supports the creating of these virtual Access points).

The reason to this is that enabling the streaming of UDP with IGMP floods your WiFi network reducing it's efficiency as other wireless devices that don't want the stream packets will receive them.

By creating this virtual access point only those who want to watch the Stream can connect to it.

First of tell me what type of router you are using!!

Just go through these links to get an idea.

Configurating your router can be quite confusing! Because there are several steps to follow before you can get the stream working via WiFi.

  1. create a virtual access point in the WLAN page of your router.

  2. enable IGMP protocol where you see it eg- in the Lan page or where ever it is in your router.

  3. Go to the Port Mapping page ( aka VLAN functions) page of your router.

  4. Know it's all up to you, find the interface/ group that your IPTV set up box is connected to!

5)Add the Virtual Access point interface ( wlan- VP0/ this should be your virtual access point interface, depends on your router ) to the group which has your IPTV box is connected to.

This will forward your UDP packets to your Virtual WiFi interface.

  1. connect to your new access point using a laptop, etc . Sometimes UDP won't work on some android devices as they don't support multi casting! For that further configuration is needed.

THATS it! Hope it works cuz for me it worked.

All the best

Cheers Mate

Source Link

Yes, you can set up your WiFi connection so that you could watch the streams via WiFi.

It is best if you can set up a separate virtual access point (if your router supports the creating of these virtual Access points).

The reason to this is that enabling the streaming of UDP with IGMP floods your WiFi network reducing it's efficiency as other wireless devices that don't want the stream packets wilol receive them.

By creating this virtual access point only those who want to watch the Stream can connect to it.

First of tell me what type of router you are using!!

Just go through these links to get an idea.

Cheers Mate