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Run chkdsk C: /F /Rchkdsk C: /F /R from windows instalition dvdthe Windows installation DVD,

  1. Boot from Windows 7 dvdDVD.
  2. Press reapeir your computerSelect "Repair Your Computer".
  3. Choose your target system.
  4. In the recovery tool panel, choose command promptCommand Prompt.
  5. run chkdsk : /FRun /Rchkdsk <your target drive>/: /F /R

When you run check disk from instalation dvdthe installation DVD, windows will try to recover corrupted files and fix them.

I tryhave tried it and it works every time.

Run chkdsk C: /F /R from windows instalition dvd,

  1. Boot from Windows 7 dvd.
  2. Press reapeir your computer.
  3. Choose your target system.
  4. In the recovery tool panel choose command prompt.
  5. run chkdsk : /F /R

When you run check disk from instalation dvd, windows try to recover corrupted files and fix them.

I try it and it works every time.

Run chkdsk C: /F /R from the Windows installation DVD,

  1. Boot from Windows 7 DVD.
  2. Select "Repair Your Computer".
  3. Choose your target system.
  4. In the recovery tool panel, choose Command Prompt.
  5. Run chkdsk <your target drive>/: /F /R

When you run check disk from the installation DVD, windows will try to recover corrupted files and fix them.

I have tried it and it works every time.

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Run chkdsk C: /F /R from windows instalition dvd,

  1. Boot from Windows 7 dvd.
  2. Press reapeir your computer.
  3. Choose your target system.
  4. In the recovery tool panel choose command prompt.
  5. run chkdsk : /F /R

When you run check disk from instalation dvd, windows try to recover corrupted files and fix them.

I try it and it works every time.