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I'm using Fedora 20 and I've disabled the graphical login so now when I boot I'm presented with a standard console to log into. When I log in and run startx I get Metacity. How can I change this on a per-user basis to be, say, Xfce or the Awesome window manager?

I figured I would have to edit .xinitrc but it's either getting ignored or I've got some syntax problems. I haven't found a lot of documentation on this; it seems like Fedora expects you to keep the GUI. Before I disabled the graphical login, I was able to change the window manager successfully so I know the other window managers do work.

Update: I've determined that either .xinitrc or .xsession is being looked at, and if neither of these files exist, then the default window manager is loaded. I believe I'm encountering some syntax problems. Consider this question solved.

I'm using Fedora 20 and I've disabled the graphical login so now when I boot I'm presented with a standard console to log into. When I log in and run startx I get Metacity. How can I change this on a per-user basis to be, say, Xfce or the Awesome window manager?

I figured I would have to edit .xinitrc but it's either getting ignored or I've got some syntax problems. I haven't found a lot of documentation on this; it seems like Fedora expects you to keep the GUI. Before I disabled the graphical login, I was able to change the window manager successfully so I know the other window managers do work.

I'm using Fedora 20 and I've disabled the graphical login so now when I boot I'm presented with a standard console to log into. When I log in and run startx I get Metacity. How can I change this on a per-user basis to be, say, Xfce or the Awesome window manager?

I figured I would have to edit .xinitrc but it's either getting ignored or I've got some syntax problems. I haven't found a lot of documentation on this; it seems like Fedora expects you to keep the GUI. Before I disabled the graphical login, I was able to change the window manager successfully so I know the other window managers do work.

Update: I've determined that either .xinitrc or .xsession is being looked at, and if neither of these files exist, then the default window manager is loaded. I believe I'm encountering some syntax problems. Consider this question solved.

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How do I set my window manager in Fedora 20 without using a graphical login prompt?

I'm using Fedora 20 and I've disabled the graphical login so now when I boot I'm presented with a standard console to log into. When I log in and run startx I get Metacity. How can I change this on a per-user basis to be, say, Xfce or the Awesome window manager?

I figured I would have to edit .xinitrc but it's either getting ignored or I've got some syntax problems. I haven't found a lot of documentation on this; it seems like Fedora expects you to keep the GUI. Before I disabled the graphical login, I was able to change the window manager successfully so I know the other window managers do work.