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Device configuration is stored in the registry. The registry is located in the NTUSER.DAT file C:\Windows\System32\config\SYSTEM. However, butI'm not aware of OS X has nohaving any way to edit thisof editing a Windows registry file.

If you want to edit the registry without using Windows, you could use something like Offline NT. You will find keys related to display driver configuration under HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Video.

Device configuration is stored in the registry. The registry is located in the NTUSER.DAT file, but OS X has no way to edit this.

If you want to edit the registry without using Windows, you could use something like Offline NT.

Device configuration is stored in the registry file C:\Windows\System32\config\SYSTEM. However, I'm not aware of OS X having any way of editing a Windows registry file.

If you want to edit the registry without using Windows, you could use something like Offline NT. You will find keys related to display driver configuration under HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Video.

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Device configuration is stored in the registry. The registry is located in the NTUSER.DAT file, but OS X has no way to edit this.

If you want to edit the registry without using Windows, you could use something like Offline NT.