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I wouldn't run DD-WRT I would Shibby's version of TomatoUSB. It is more stable that DD-WRT and more user friendly for a noobbeginner. You can get it from here Then you should be able to follow the steps that @user1201232 gave if you want MAC address filtering. Or you could just set up monitoring on your LAN which can be filtered by IP/hostname.

I wouldn't run DD-WRT I would Shibby's version of TomatoUSB. It is more stable that DD-WRT and more user friendly for a noob. You can get it from here Then you should be able to follow the steps that @user1201232 gave if you want MAC address filtering. Or you could just set up monitoring on your LAN which can be filtered by IP/hostname.

I wouldn't run DD-WRT I would Shibby's version of TomatoUSB. It is more stable that DD-WRT and more user friendly for a beginner. You can get it from here Then you should be able to follow the steps that @user1201232 gave if you want MAC address filtering. Or you could just set up monitoring on your LAN which can be filtered by IP/hostname.

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I wouldn't run DD-WRT I would Shibby's version of TomatoUSB. It is more stable that DD-WRT and more user friendly for a noob. You can get it from here Then you should be able to follow the steps that @user1201232 gave if you want MAC address filtering. Or you could just set up monitoring on your LAN which can be filtered by IP/hostname.