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So I recently got a new computer running Windows 7, installed the latest version of TightVNC Server (not as a service, just a standalone app that runs on startup).

I'm logging in via an XP box, using the most recent version of the TightVNC client. The login process itself works smoothly, and I can use the computer remotely... for a while. After variable length of time (30 minutes to 2 hours, roughly), the VNC window stops updating, then closes as the computer reboots. Specifically, it drops a socket error message.

After the computer's rebooted, I can connect to the server, but after authentication, VNC freezes in the middle of the initial refresh, then disconnects as the server reboots again.

General advice or suggestions?

Additional info:

After restarting, it does display the 'Windows has encountered an error and had to restart, would you like to let MS know?' window; if I expand the 'More Info' thing on the bottom, I get:

Problem Event Name: BlueScreen OS Version: 6.1.7600. Locale ID: 1033

plus a bit more identification data that I just lost.

So I recently got a new computer running Windows 7, installed the latest version of TightVNC Server (not as a service, just a standalone app that runs on startup).

I'm logging in via an XP box, using the most recent version of the TightVNC client. The login process itself works smoothly, and I can use the computer remotely... for a while. After variable length of time (30 minutes to 2 hours, roughly), the VNC window stops updating, then closes as the computer reboots. Specifically, it drops a socket error message.

After the computer's rebooted, I can connect to the server, but after authentication, VNC freezes in the middle of the initial refresh, then disconnects as the server reboots again.

General advice or suggestions?

So I recently got a new computer running Windows 7, installed the latest version of TightVNC Server (not as a service, just a standalone app that runs on startup).

I'm logging in via an XP box, using the most recent version of the TightVNC client. The login process itself works smoothly, and I can use the computer remotely... for a while. After variable length of time (30 minutes to 2 hours, roughly), the VNC window stops updating, then closes as the computer reboots. Specifically, it drops a socket error message.

After the computer's rebooted, I can connect to the server, but after authentication, VNC freezes in the middle of the initial refresh, then disconnects as the server reboots again.

General advice or suggestions?

Additional info:

After restarting, it does display the 'Windows has encountered an error and had to restart, would you like to let MS know?' window; if I expand the 'More Info' thing on the bottom, I get:

Problem Event Name: BlueScreen OS Version: 6.1.7600. Locale ID: 1033

plus a bit more identification data that I just lost.

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Windows 7 force reboots when running TightVNC server

So I recently got a new computer running Windows 7, installed the latest version of TightVNC Server (not as a service, just a standalone app that runs on startup).

I'm logging in via an XP box, using the most recent version of the TightVNC client. The login process itself works smoothly, and I can use the computer remotely... for a while. After variable length of time (30 minutes to 2 hours, roughly), the VNC window stops updating, then closes as the computer reboots. Specifically, it drops a socket error message.

After the computer's rebooted, I can connect to the server, but after authentication, VNC freezes in the middle of the initial refresh, then disconnects as the server reboots again.

General advice or suggestions?