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When dual booting Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 on a UEFI system with GPT Disk, is the order of the partition, on which I install the OSes, of any concern?

Previously, after the EFI Sytem Partition and the Reserved Partition I created 2 partitions for OS and used the first one for Windows 7 and installed Windows 8.1 on the second one. But if I install Windows 8.1 on the first one and Windows 7 on the second one, could it cause any bad impact? Thanks in advance.

Could it cause any problem in booting? Or if one OS crashes (let's say the Windows 8.1), could it cause any problem loading Windows 7 from the second partition?

When dual booting Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 on a UEFI system with GPT Disk, is the order of the partition, on which I install the OSes, of any concern?

Previously, after the EFI Sytem Partition and the Reserved Partition I created 2 partitions for OS and used the first one for Windows 7 and installed Windows 8.1 on the second one. But if I install Windows 8.1 on the first one and Windows 7 on the second one, could it cause any bad impact? Thanks in advance.

When dual booting Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 on a UEFI system with GPT Disk, is the order of the partition, on which I install the OSes, of any concern?

Previously, after the EFI Sytem Partition and the Reserved Partition I created 2 partitions for OS and used the first one for Windows 7 and installed Windows 8.1 on the second one. But if I install Windows 8.1 on the first one and Windows 7 on the second one, could it cause any bad impact? Thanks in advance.

Could it cause any problem in booting? Or if one OS crashes (let's say the Windows 8.1), could it cause any problem loading Windows 7 from the second partition?

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Disk partition order concern for dual booting Windows 8.1 and Windows 7

When dual booting Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 on a UEFI system with GPT Disk, is the order of the partition, on which I install the OSes, of any concern?

Previously, after the EFI Sytem Partition and the Reserved Partition I created 2 partitions for OS and used the first one for Windows 7 and installed Windows 8.1 on the second one. But if I install Windows 8.1 on the first one and Windows 7 on the second one, could it cause any bad impact? Thanks in advance.