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I have a VivoPC VM40B, which works on Windows 8.1. It is a media server, which connected in LAN (Wi-Fi, e.g. IP = WiFi.

Also I also have a PC, which works on Windows 7. It is Desktop, desktop which connected inconnects to the LAN (Ethernet, e.g. IP = ethernet.

Then, I have Asus Wireless-N300 Router.

VivoPC VM40B (media server) stansstands in a otheranother room. There are 3 walls between the router and media server.

Windows 8 says, that the WiFi signal is equal to 12-24 Mbit/s. However, download speed of photos from PC to Media server is approximately equal 1 Mbit/s. Also, Media Server downloadthe media server downloads files from torrent approximately equal 0.5 Mbit/s.

Other hand, I have 100 Mbit/s internet. If I download somethings on the computer, I have download speenspeend approximately equal 90 Mbit/s.

I do not believe that a signal so bad. Probably, I have problems with software. Or do I need to buy some hardware?

I'll be glad to any advice.

I have a VivoPC VM40B, which works on Windows 8.1. It is a media server, which connected in LAN (Wi-Fi, e.g. IP =

Also I have a PC, which works on Windows 7. It is Desktop, which connected in LAN (Ethernet, e.g. IP =

Then, I have Asus Wireless-N300 Router.

VivoPC VM40B (media server) stans in a other room. There are 3 walls between router and media server.

Windows 8 says, that WiFi signal equal 12-24 Mbit/s. However, download speed of photos from PC to Media server approximately equal 1 Mbit/s. Also, Media Server download files from torrent approximately equal 0.5 Mbit/s.

Other hand, I have 100 Mbit/s internet. If I download somethings on computer, I have download speen approximately equal 90 Mbit/s.

I do not believe that a signal so bad. Probably, I have problems with software. Or do I need to buy some hardware?

I'll be glad to any advice.

I have a VivoPC VM40B, which works on Windows 8.1. It is a media server, which connected in LAN via WiFi.

I also have a Windows 7 desktop which connects to the LAN via ethernet.

Then, I have Asus Wireless-N300 Router.

VivoPC VM40B (media server) stands in another room. There are 3 walls between the router and media server.

Windows 8 says the WiFi signal is equal to 12-24 Mbit/s. However, download speed of photos from PC to Media server is approximately equal 1 Mbit/s. Also, the media server downloads files from torrent approximately equal 0.5 Mbit/s.

Other hand, I have 100 Mbit/s internet. If I download somethings on the computer I have download speend approximately equal 90 Mbit/s.

I do not believe that a signal so bad. Probably, I have problems with software. Or do I need to buy some hardware?

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Very slow WiFi speeds on Windows 8

I have a VivoPC VM40B, which works on Windows 8.1. It is a media server, which connected in LAN (Wi-Fi, e.g. IP =

Also I have a PC, which works on Windows 7. It is Desktop, which connected in LAN (Ethernet, e.g. IP =

Then, I have Asus Wireless-N300 Router.

VivoPC VM40B (media server) stans in a other room. There are 3 walls between router and media server.

Windows 8 says, that WiFi signal equal 12-24 Mbit/s. However, download speed of photos from PC to Media server approximately equal 1 Mbit/s. Also, Media Server download files from torrent approximately equal 0.5 Mbit/s.

Other hand, I have 100 Mbit/s internet. If I download somethings on computer, I have download speen approximately equal 90 Mbit/s.

I do not believe that a signal so bad. Probably, I have problems with software. Or do I need to buy some hardware?

I'll be glad to any advice.