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screenScreen settings isare really a personal choice. TOTo be easy on my eyes, iI personally use:

contrast: at 75 to 80% luminosity: and luminosity at 20 to 25%.

thisThis break colors, but iI find this easier on the eyes. Keeping your work room well lighted is also helpfullhelpful.

You can use F.luxF.lux as said by others here to reduce further reduce the screen aggressivity:

On Mac OS X, there is ShadesShades that artificially darken the screen, but iI found it more bothering than helpfull.

Hope this helphelpful.

Pierre-Yves Landuré Biapy

screen settings is really a personal choice. TO be easy on my eyes, i personally use:

contrast: 75 to 80% luminosity: 20 to 25%

this break colors, but i find this easier on the eyes. Keeping your work room well lighted is also helpfull.

You can use F.lux as said by others here to reduce further the screen aggressivity:

On Mac OS X, there is Shades that artificially darken the screen, but i found it more bothering than helpfull.

Hope this help.

Pierre-Yves Landuré Biapy

Screen settings are really a personal choice. To be easy on my eyes, I personally use contrast at 75 to 80% and luminosity at 20 to 25%.

This break colors, but I find this easier on the eyes. Keeping your work room well lighted is also helpful.

You can use F.lux as said by others to further reduce the screen aggressivity.

On Mac OS X, there is Shades that artificially darken the screen, but I found it more bothering than helpful.

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screen settings is really a personal choice. TO be easy on my eyes, i personally use:

contrast: 75 to 80% luminosity: 20 to 25%

this break colors, but i find this easier on the eyes. Keeping your work room well lighted is also helpfull.

You can use F.lux as said by others here to reduce further the screen aggressivity:

On Mac OS X, there is Shades that artificially darken the screen, but i found it more bothering than helpfull.

Hope this help.

Pierre-Yves Landuré Biapy