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Cisco AnyConnect v3.1 AutoLogin

I'm having a bit of difficulty with Cisco AnyConnect v3.1 in regards to automatic login. I have to stay connected to a single server all day every day, and it would be super if I didn't have to dig up my 16 char password each and every day. I'd love for the client to log on automatically, but I'm not even sure at this point that it's a possibility.

I should note that the AnyConnect software is provided to me by our hosting company, and I nor anyone at my organization has access to the management side of things. I did see that there is such a piece of software on the interwebs called the "AnyConnect Profile Editor," but Cisco wouldn't let me download without a valid login.

I've been into %appdata%\local\cisco\cisco anyconnect secure mobility client\preferences.xml to review my preferences as well as %programdata%\Cisco\Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client\Profile\ANYCONNECT.XML to review my profile settings. Neither of these showed anywhere that I would be able to store my credentials. I even broke my profile a few times by trying to shoe-horn my password in places. That didn't work, go figure.

Lastly, I found this forum post which seemed to specify client and server certificate "thumbprints" as well as something called an SDI token.

Disclaimer: I'm a front-end web developer by day and it's been quite a long time since I've had to do any network management for myself, sorry for the noob question!