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Added for further clarification.
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Bitlocker doesn't protect your computer from being used.
What it does do is protect your hard drive from being mounted on another computer and read that way.
As Adric mentioned is his comment, you can test this by removing the HDD and trying to use/read it on another computer.

You can also check by booting with a LiveCD and attempting to mount and read from your HDD.
Bitlocker should prevent this access.

Bitlocker doesn't protect your computer from being used.
What it does do is protect your hard drive from being mounted on another computer and read that way.
As Adric mentioned is his comment, you can test this by removing the HDD and trying to use/read it on another computer.

Bitlocker doesn't protect your computer from being used.
What it does do is protect your hard drive from being mounted on another computer and read that way.
As Adric mentioned is his comment, you can test this by removing the HDD and trying to use/read it on another computer.

You can also check by booting with a LiveCD and attempting to mount and read from your HDD.
Bitlocker should prevent this access.

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Bitlocker doesn't protect your computer from being used.
What it does do is protect your hard drive from being mounted on another computer and read that way.
As Adric mentioned is his comment, you can test this by removing the HDD and trying to use/read it on another computer.