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It is possible to configure VMWare Player to use a partition of the host machine: Couple of pitfalls you will need to watch out for:

  1. You will be changing the hard drive controller the OS sees, so make sure you've updated hardware profiles/generated the appropriate initrd
  2. This can (and frequently will) trigger Windows Activation, so make sure you've backed that up
  3. Generate a separate MBR for VMWare to prevent yourself from booting the host OS from VMWare. GuaranteedBooting an OS over itself is guaranteed to break your system.

It is possible to configure VMWare Player to use a partition of the host machine: Couple of pitfalls you will need to watch out for:

  1. You will be changing the hard drive controller the OS sees, so make sure you've updated hardware profiles/generated the appropriate initrd
  2. This can (and frequently will) trigger Windows Activation, so make sure you've backed that up
  3. Generate a separate MBR for VMWare to prevent yourself from booting the host OS from VMWare. Guaranteed to break your system.

It is possible to configure VMWare Player to use a partition of the host machine: Couple of pitfalls you will need to watch out for:

  1. You will be changing the hard drive controller the OS sees, so make sure you've updated hardware profiles/generated the appropriate initrd
  2. This can (and frequently will) trigger Windows Activation, so make sure you've backed that up
  3. Generate a separate MBR for VMWare to prevent yourself from booting the host OS from VMWare. Booting an OS over itself is guaranteed to break your system.
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It is possible to configure VMWare Player to use a partition of the host machine: Couple of pitfalls you will need to watch out for:

  1. You will be changing the hard drive controller the OS sees, so make sure you've updated hardware profiles/generated the appropriate initrd
  2. This can (and frequently will) trigger Windows Activation, so make sure you've backed that up
  3. Generate a separate MBR for VMWare to prevent yourself from booting the host OS from VMWare. Guaranteed to break your system.