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If you are concerned about seeing the full version of every window as you cycle through the AltTab list, there is a registry hack you can do to make it at least delay before doing that. The full question/answer can be seen herehere, but the important part is this:

Open Registry Editor and create the following registry key:


In that key, create the following DWORD value: LivePreview_ms and set it to the delay (in milliseconds) of the first live preview.

Restart Explorer to see the changes.

I don't think you can delay it permanently by setting a super high number, but it will give at least a decent amount of time for you to tab around before it starts popping windows all over the place.

If you are concerned about seeing the full version of every window as you cycle through the AltTab list, there is a registry hack you can do to make it at least delay before doing that. The full question/answer can be seen here, but the important part is this:

Open Registry Editor and create the following registry key:


In that key, create the following DWORD value: LivePreview_ms and set it to the delay (in milliseconds) of the first live preview.

Restart Explorer to see the changes.

I don't think you can delay it permanently by setting a super high number, but it will give at least a decent amount of time for you to tab around before it starts popping windows all over the place.

If you are concerned about seeing the full version of every window as you cycle through the AltTab list, there is a registry hack you can do to make it at least delay before doing that. The full question/answer can be seen here, but the important part is this:

Open Registry Editor and create the following registry key:


In that key, create the following DWORD value: LivePreview_ms and set it to the delay (in milliseconds) of the first live preview.

Restart Explorer to see the changes.

I don't think you can delay it permanently by setting a super high number, but it will give at least a decent amount of time for you to tab around before it starts popping windows all over the place.

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If you are concerned about seeing the full version of every window as you cycle through the AltTab list, there is a registry hack you can do to make it at least delay before doing that. The full question/answer can be seen here, but the important part is this:

Open Registry Editor and create the following registry key:


In that key, create the following DWORD value: LivePreview_ms and set it to the delay (in milliseconds) of the first live preview.

Restart Explorer to see the changes.

I don't think you can delay it permanently by setting a super high number, but it will give at least a decent amount of time for you to tab around before it starts popping windows all over the place.