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A friend's Excel 2007 used to, when you'd copy cells and paste them within a document, paste the formatting along with it.

Suddenly today it no longer does that.

I found this question: How can I copy cells in Excel 2007 and paste with formattingHow can I copy cells in Excel 2007 and paste with formatting but the answer given is something my friend already tried, and even with that option enabled, no paste dialog appears when you paste.

Why did this change all of the sudden? Windows Update? How can we get the normal behaviour back? My friend does not even want the dialog box, and it was working, hence the new question here. It just used to paste with formatting when you pasted. That's all.

A friend's Excel 2007 used to, when you'd copy cells and paste them within a document, paste the formatting along with it.

Suddenly today it no longer does that.

I found this question: How can I copy cells in Excel 2007 and paste with formatting but the answer given is something my friend already tried, and even with that option enabled, no paste dialog appears when you paste.

Why did this change all of the sudden? Windows Update? How can we get the normal behaviour back? My friend does not even want the dialog box, and it was working, hence the new question here. It just used to paste with formatting when you pasted. That's all.

A friend's Excel 2007 used to, when you'd copy cells and paste them within a document, paste the formatting along with it.

Suddenly today it no longer does that.

I found this question: How can I copy cells in Excel 2007 and paste with formatting but the answer given is something my friend already tried, and even with that option enabled, no paste dialog appears when you paste.

Why did this change all of the sudden? Windows Update? How can we get the normal behaviour back? My friend does not even want the dialog box, and it was working, hence the new question here. It just used to paste with formatting when you pasted. That's all.

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Excel 2007 suddenly does not paste with formatting anymore

A friend's Excel 2007 used to, when you'd copy cells and paste them within a document, paste the formatting along with it.

Suddenly today it no longer does that.

I found this question: How can I copy cells in Excel 2007 and paste with formatting but the answer given is something my friend already tried, and even with that option enabled, no paste dialog appears when you paste.

Why did this change all of the sudden? Windows Update? How can we get the normal behaviour back? My friend does not even want the dialog box, and it was working, hence the new question here. It just used to paste with formatting when you pasted. That's all.