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Recreate Contact List in Outlook 2010

So here is the long and silly backstory:

One of our users has lived exclusively in Microsoft Outlook 2010 and has several years worth of email addresses stored in his contact list. A recent server change caused some weird glitch and he lost all of his contacts and calendar entries. I re-imported his .pst file from a backup on our server, but apparently the contacts and calendar entries weren't stored in there?

I have no idea what to do to recover that data for him, but it's a massive blow for him to lose that information.

One idea that I had would be to somehow populate his address book with all of the emails that were recovered from the pst backup. Does anything like this exist?

Is there some secret area of the computer that contact information is automatically stored that I just don't know about?

Some facts:

  1. We're not using an exchange server. Outlook is merely acting as an email client for our IMAP server.
  2. I'm not a systems administrator. I'm just a software engineer that got asked to try and fix this. It could very well be that there's just something really simple that I've missed that would fix everything.
  3. The pst files are backed up on a Drobo. They have a weird file extension and timestamp, but simply changing the extension to .pst seemed to work at importing the mail (even though it excluded the calendar and contacts).