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Commonmark migration
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Or, if you’d prefer not to download a font, do it in Word.  Just select the text and format Borders (and, optionally, Shading): ![screen snapshot showing text formatted with Borders and Shading][1] [1]: snapshot showing text formatted with Borders and Shading

Or, if you’d prefer not to download a font, do it in Word.  Just select the text and format Borders (and, optionally, Shading): ![screen snapshot showing text formatted with Borders and Shading][1] [1]:

Or, if you’d prefer not to download a font, do it in Word.  Just select the text and format Borders (and, optionally, Shading): screen snapshot showing text formatted with Borders and Shading

Source Link

Or, if you’d prefer not to download a font, do it in Word.  Just select the text and format Borders (and, optionally, Shading): ![screen snapshot showing text formatted with Borders and Shading][1] [1]: