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"Destination host unreachable" is given, when the system does not know how to send the ping request to the remote host in the first place. It means that your system or a router in between does not have a routing table entry/rule that allows it forward the packet to the router responsible for that network.

And it is getting "extremely chatty" because this happens for every packet (i.e. it is not lost, but essentially you are getting a "don't know how to deliver this packet" message back for each).

You could filter them out via grep though

ping | grep -v "host unreachable"

ping | grep -v "host unreachable"

"Destination host unreachable" is given, when the system does not know how to send the ping request to the remote host in the first place. It means that your system or a router in between does not have a routing table entry/rule that allows it forward the packet to the router responsible for that network.

And it is getting "extremely chatty" because this happens for every packet (i.e. it is not lost, but essentially you are getting a "don't know how to deliver this packet" message back for each).

You could filter them out via grep though

ping | grep -v "host unreachable"

"Destination host unreachable" is given, when the system does not know how to send the ping request to the remote host in the first place. It means that your system or a router in between does not have a routing table entry/rule that allows it forward the packet to the router responsible for that network.

And it is getting "extremely chatty" because this happens for every packet (i.e. it is not lost, but essentially you are getting a "don't know how to deliver this packet" message back for each).

You could filter them out via grep though

ping | grep -v "host unreachable"
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"Destination host unreachable" is given, when the system does not know how to send the ping request to the remote host in the first place. It means that your system or a router in between does not have a routing table entry/rule that allows it forward the packet to the router responsible for that network.

And it is getting "extremely chatty" because this happens for every packet (i.e. it is not lost, but essentially you are getting a "don't know how to deliver this packet" message back for each).

You could filter them out via grep though

ping | grep -v "host unreachable"