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Please take a look at the snapshot of my current partitions - Disk Management

I want to shrink volume C to a total size of 80 GB or so and use the remaining free space to extend the volume D. Is there a safe way to do so without the need of formatting any volume or losing any files on any volume? In my search I found that free space must be contiguous to the volume that's been extended. So in my case the free space will be adjacent and on the left of volume D, Can I then merge this in volume D? In addition to that, can I, in any way shrink my volume F and merge this freed space in volume D?

Please take a look at the snapshot of my current partitions -

I want to shrink volume C to a total size of 80 GB or so and use the remaining free space to extend the volume D. Is there a safe way to do so without the need of formatting any volume or losing any files on any volume? In my search I found that free space must be contiguous to the volume that's been extended. So in my case the free space will be adjacent and on the left of volume D, Can I then merge this in volume D? In addition to that, can I, in any way shrink my volume F and merge this freed space in volume D?

Please take a look at the snapshot of my current partitions -

screenshot: Disk Management

I want to shrink volume C to a total size of 80 GB or so and use the remaining free space to extend the volume D. Is there a safe way to do so without the need of formatting any volume or losing any files on any volume? In my search I found that free space must be contiguous to the volume that's been extended. So in my case the free space will be adjacent and on the left of volume D, Can I then merge this in volume D? In addition to that, can I, in any way shrink my volume F and merge this freed space in volume D?

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In windows 7, is it possible to extend a logical partition using space, freed up from shrinking the windows(primary) partition? If yes, how?

Please take a look at the snapshot of my current partitions -

I want to shrink volume C to a total size of 80 GB or so and use the remaining free space to extend the volume D. Is there a safe way to do so without the need of formatting any volume or losing any files on any volume? In my search I found that free space must be contiguous to the volume that's been extended. So in my case the free space will be adjacent and on the left of volume D, Can I then merge this in volume D? In addition to that, can I, in any way shrink my volume F and merge this freed space in volume D?