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Okay let me set the scene of this computer

  • Dell Dimension 3100
  • Added ATI Graphics Card,
  • Ram Upgraded to 2GB
  • Windows XP SP3

So the problem is thus:

Going Start>Control Panel> Sounds > Audio

No playback device found. ( not for mic either)

So I assume there is something wrong with the Sound card, The machine still has the basic on-board chip the Dell Dimension 3100 ships with.

Card shows up fine in Start>Control Panel> Sounds > Hardware and in Device Manager.

Okay, so we have a driver problem. No, I have uninstalled, reinstalled, and upgraded the driver. Nothing happening.

The guy who owns the machine tells me the sound problem starts around the time he puts in the new RAM ( tried popping that in and out, just to see if anything would magically change).

So I assume the chip is dead, but still shows up, this is an old machine, and maybe while fiddling the guy gave it a static shock or something. So I order a new PCI sound card.

Yesterday I fit the new PCI sound card. Shows up in the device mangermanager fine, also in Start>Control Panel> Sounds > Hardware

Still no playback device.

Unstall drivers for new card, reinstall. look for updated drivers...

Okay so the problem is with the machine.

Check the Windows Audio service is starting up, it is.

Use directx diagnostic tool, it says no sound card found.

I am now stumped. We have two working sound cards, with (I assume) correct drivers. Audio service running, Speakers plugged in and working, but no playback device.

This machine is not my house, so I want to create a plan of attack, Any ideas for when I next visit?

Thank you for reading, and thank you more if you can think of something.

Okay let me set the scene of this computer

  • Dell Dimension 3100
  • Added ATI Graphics Card,
  • Ram Upgraded to 2GB
  • Windows XP SP3

So the problem is thus:

Going Start>Control Panel> Sounds > Audio

No playback device found. ( not for mic either)

So I assume there is something wrong with the Sound card, The machine still has the basic on-board chip the Dell Dimension 3100 ships with.

Card shows up fine in Start>Control Panel> Sounds > Hardware and in Device Manager.

Okay, so we have a driver problem. No, I have uninstalled, reinstalled, and upgraded the driver. Nothing happening.

The guy who owns the machine tells me the sound problem starts around the time he puts in the new RAM ( tried popping that in and out, just to see if anything would magically change).

So I assume the chip is dead, but still shows up, this is an old machine, and maybe while fiddling the guy gave it a static shock or something. So I order a new PCI sound card.

Yesterday I fit the new PCI sound card. Shows up in the device manger fine, also in Start>Control Panel> Sounds > Hardware

Still no playback device.

Unstall drivers for new card, reinstall. look for updated drivers...

Okay so the problem is with the machine.

Check the Windows Audio service is starting up, it is.

Use directx diagnostic tool, it says no sound card found.

I am now stumped. We have two working sound cards, with (I assume) correct drivers. Audio service running, Speakers plugged in and working, but no playback device.

This machine is not my house, so I want to create a plan of attack, Any ideas for when I next visit?

Thank you for reading, and thank you more if you can think of something.

Okay let me set the scene of this computer

  • Dell Dimension 3100
  • Added ATI Graphics Card,
  • Ram Upgraded to 2GB
  • Windows XP SP3

So the problem is thus:

Going Start>Control Panel> Sounds > Audio

No playback device found. ( not for mic either)

So I assume there is something wrong with the Sound card, The machine still has the basic on-board chip the Dell Dimension 3100 ships with.

Card shows up fine in Start>Control Panel> Sounds > Hardware and in Device Manager.

Okay, so we have a driver problem. No, I have uninstalled, reinstalled, and upgraded the driver. Nothing happening.

The guy who owns the machine tells me the sound problem starts around the time he puts in the new RAM ( tried popping that in and out, just to see if anything would magically change).

So I assume the chip is dead, but still shows up, this is an old machine, and maybe while fiddling the guy gave it a static shock or something. So I order a new PCI sound card.

Yesterday I fit the new PCI sound card. Shows up in the device manager fine, also in Start>Control Panel> Sounds > Hardware

Still no playback device.

Unstall drivers for new card, reinstall. look for updated drivers...

Okay so the problem is with the machine.

Check the Windows Audio service is starting up, it is.

Use directx diagnostic tool, it says no sound card found.

I am now stumped. We have two working sound cards, with (I assume) correct drivers. Audio service running, Speakers plugged in and working, but no playback device.

This machine is not my house, so I want to create a plan of attack, Any ideas for when I next visit?

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  • 83
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  • 7

Windows can not find a playback device. Soundcard installed and working

Okay let me set the scene of this computer

  • Dell Dimension 3100
  • Added ATI Graphics Card,
  • Ram Upgraded to 2GB
  • Windows XP SP3

So the problem is thus:

Going Start>Control Panel> Sounds > Audio

No playback device found. ( not for mic either)

So I assume there is something wrong with the Sound card, The machine still has the basic on-board chip the Dell Dimension 3100 ships with.

Card shows up fine in Start>Control Panel> Sounds > Hardware and in Device Manager.

Okay, so we have a driver problem. No, I have uninstalled, reinstalled, and upgraded the driver. Nothing happening.

The guy who owns the machine tells me the sound problem starts around the time he puts in the new RAM ( tried popping that in and out, just to see if anything would magically change).

So I assume the chip is dead, but still shows up, this is an old machine, and maybe while fiddling the guy gave it a static shock or something. So I order a new PCI sound card.

Yesterday I fit the new PCI sound card. Shows up in the device manger fine, also in Start>Control Panel> Sounds > Hardware

Still no playback device.

Unstall drivers for new card, reinstall. look for updated drivers...

Okay so the problem is with the machine.

Check the Windows Audio service is starting up, it is.

Use directx diagnostic tool, it says no sound card found.

I am now stumped. We have two working sound cards, with (I assume) correct drivers. Audio service running, Speakers plugged in and working, but no playback device.

This machine is not my house, so I want to create a plan of attack, Any ideas for when I next visit?

Thank you for reading, and thank you more if you can think of something.