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Peter Mortensen
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Is there anya way of making ubuntuUbuntu (through CLIthe command line) to lock screenlock the screen after X minutes?

I need to do so for example:

  • I'm watching a 2Hourstwo-hours movie, so I need to make ubuntuUbuntu lock the screen that after 123 minutes to lock screen.

Is there any way of making ubuntu (through CLI) to lock screen after X minutes?

I need to do so for example:

  • I'm watching a 2Hours movie, so I need to make ubuntu that after 123 minutes to lock screen.

Is there a way of making Ubuntu (through the command line) to lock the screen after X minutes?

I need to do so for example:

  • I'm watching a two-hours movie, so I need to make Ubuntu lock the screen that after 123 minutes.
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CLI Ubuntu lock screen after X minutes

Is there any way of making ubuntu (through CLI) to lock screen after X minutes?

I need to do so for example:

  • I'm watching a 2Hours movie, so I need to make ubuntu that after 123 minutes to lock screen.