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Rsync on Windows XP works fine on-demand, but hangs when run as a scheduled task

I want to use Rsync to back up a web site to a Windows XP system that gets backed up to tape every night. I've looked at cwRsync and Grsync, and they both work fine, as long as I'm running them while logged in to Windows. I can set up a scheduled task in Windows and run the task on-demand and even that works fine.

But when I try to run the scheduled task while I'm logged out, it hangs. When I next log in, the task shows as still running and I can see RSYNC.EXE and SSH.EXE processes running. I have to stop the task, then kill the two processes. Meanwhile no files were transferred. It does this every time.

I've added as much logging as I could, but the log stops at the Rsync command:

opening connection using: ssh -l user rsync --server --sender -vvnlogDtpre.iLs . /home/user/backups/site-backup.tar 

To rule out problems with the task scheduler, I created a simple batch job, scheduled it and logged out. When I logged back in some time later, the task had run when it was supposed to and the output was as expected.

The host system is a Linux shared hosting server. I have a CRON job set up that first dumps all the databases using mysqldump, then creates a TAR file of that plus all the folders I need to back up from the host. That part works like a charm.

And as I said, running Rsync on Windows to grab the TAR file also works fine, and I particularly enjoy the way it uses delta copying to move only the bits that are different. This saves a ton of traffic, which is one of the main reasons I wanted to use Rsync in the first place.