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Using power button to turn off my locked Windows 7 machine

I want to use the power button to turn off my Windows 7 machine without having to login or unlock it. I want to do this on my machine, plus we will likely want to do it on some student lab machines. On my machine it's a pain because I have an faux "air gap" separating my main machine from this one because I do computer security work, and right now I don't even have a KVM yet so I have to swap mice and keyboards and press several buttons on the monitor and enter my password just so I can turn the thing off.

I of course Google'd this and searched SU extensively; the only close question I can find how to make KDE do this. Microsoft allows me to disable screensaver password protection entirely easily enough via the Power Options dialog or other ways, but I don't want to give some random person access to my account, I just want the machine to power off without having to pull the plug and possibly corrupt the drive. Basically I want "psshutdown" to run when I press the power button. I also checked the Windows policy editor but couldn't find anything easily.

I think Windows XP did this, although I can't recall for sure. I realize that some of my applications might be very unhappy about being told to go away whether they like it or not, but I don't really care. I suppose if Windows refused to complete shutdown if the applications refused to quit that would be ok.