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Sharing iTunes Library Between Mac & PC Via A NAS

I'd be really grateful if anyone can help me with this, I spent literally days trawling the net before I came across this site, which seems to have very knowledgable people!

So, the problem is:

For years I've had a couple of PCs and a NAS drive. I've been storing all my music on the NAS drive and then accessing the library on whichever PC I wanted to by pointing both PCs to the NAS drive iTunes files. The good thing is I can see all my playlists and song ratings etc.

Now, I've just bought a Macbook Pro as well. And I want to be able to access the same music, song ratings etc on this machine. I've tried simply holding down option and navigating to the .itl files that my Windows machine created, but that doesn't work.

Is there some way to use the same iTunes Library (apart from home sharing) on both machines?

Thank you so much for reading this.