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I bought a mini-pc to start experiment a little bit with homelab. My plan is to setup Home Assistant, Adguard Home and Nextcloud as a starting point. All those, through proxmox. The router I have is locked from the provider and I cannot add a custom DNS. The router is also locked on VOIP and I cannot replace it. I have 2 options. Either add a second router to bridge with the first and connect all my devices there OR disable the DHCP server from the router and use the one from Adguard.

I enabled Adguard Home, add on the VM network the static IP and as the Gateway IP the IP I had in my router admin. I enabled DHCP and did the same in the settings (Gateway IP and same Range of IP addresses as on the router). I disabled the DHCP server from the router. Then after flushing DNS in my devices, I stopped having access on the internet.

I also tried the following:

I disabled DHCP on Adguard and shutdown the VM. Then I made a reset on my router and made sure that I had the DHCP server enabled. I changed my device WiFi settings to a specific IP and I was able to connect to the internet.

Edit: As requested, here is the content of the etc/network/interfaces

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

iface enp1s0 inet manual

auto vmbr0
iface vmbr0 inet static
        bridge-ports enp1s0
        bridge-stp off
        bridge-fd 0

iface wlo1 inet manual

I bought a mini-pc to start experiment a little bit with homelab. My plan is to setup Home Assistant, Adguard Home and Nextcloud as a starting point. All those, through proxmox. The router I have is locked from the provider and I cannot add a custom DNS. The router is also locked on VOIP and I cannot replace it. I have 2 options. Either add a second router to bridge with the first and connect all my devices there OR disable the DHCP server from the router and use the one from Adguard.

I enabled Adguard Home, add on the VM network the static IP and as the Gateway IP the IP I had in my router admin. I enabled DHCP and did the same in the settings (Gateway IP and same Range of IP addresses as on the router). I disabled the DHCP server from the router. Then after flushing DNS in my devices, I stopped having access on the internet.

I also tried the following:

I disabled DHCP on Adguard and shutdown the VM. Then I made a reset on my router and made sure that I had the DHCP server enabled. I changed my device WiFi settings to a specific IP and I was able to connect to the internet.

I bought a mini-pc to start experiment a little bit with homelab. My plan is to setup Home Assistant, Adguard Home and Nextcloud as a starting point. All those, through proxmox. The router I have is locked from the provider and I cannot add a custom DNS. The router is also locked on VOIP and I cannot replace it. I have 2 options. Either add a second router to bridge with the first and connect all my devices there OR disable the DHCP server from the router and use the one from Adguard.

I enabled Adguard Home, add on the VM network the static IP and as the Gateway IP the IP I had in my router admin. I enabled DHCP and did the same in the settings (Gateway IP and same Range of IP addresses as on the router). I disabled the DHCP server from the router. Then after flushing DNS in my devices, I stopped having access on the internet.

I also tried the following:

I disabled DHCP on Adguard and shutdown the VM. Then I made a reset on my router and made sure that I had the DHCP server enabled. I changed my device WiFi settings to a specific IP and I was able to connect to the internet.

Edit: As requested, here is the content of the etc/network/interfaces

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

iface enp1s0 inet manual

auto vmbr0
iface vmbr0 inet static
        bridge-ports enp1s0
        bridge-stp off
        bridge-fd 0

iface wlo1 inet manual
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Cannot make the DHCP Server of Adguard Home to work

I bought a mini-pc to start experiment a little bit with homelab. My plan is to setup Home Assistant, Adguard Home and Nextcloud as a starting point. All those, through proxmox. The router I have is locked from the provider and I cannot add a custom DNS. The router is also locked on VOIP and I cannot replace it. I have 2 options. Either add a second router to bridge with the first and connect all my devices there OR disable the DHCP server from the router and use the one from Adguard.

I enabled Adguard Home, add on the VM network the static IP and as the Gateway IP the IP I had in my router admin. I enabled DHCP and did the same in the settings (Gateway IP and same Range of IP addresses as on the router). I disabled the DHCP server from the router. Then after flushing DNS in my devices, I stopped having access on the internet.

I also tried the following:

I disabled DHCP on Adguard and shutdown the VM. Then I made a reset on my router and made sure that I had the DHCP server enabled. I changed my device WiFi settings to a specific IP and I was able to connect to the internet.