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You are correct, you cannot edit the command line parameters of startup applications from Task Manager in Windows 10.

The easiest way to edit this information is via the excellent SysInternals Autoruns tool, which also provides an interface to 17 other common ways in which you can automatically run a task on Windows startup :).

You are correct, you cannot edit the command line parameters of startup applications from Task Manager in Windows 10.

The easiest way to edit this information is via the excellent SysInternals Autoruns tool, which also provides an interface to 17 other common ways in which you can automatically run a task on Windows startup :)

You are correct, you cannot edit the command line parameters of startup applications from Task Manager in Windows 10.

The easiest way to edit this information is via the excellent SysInternals Autoruns tool, which also provides an interface to 17 other common ways in which you can automatically run a task on Windows startup.

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Hugh W
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You are correct, you cannot edit the command line parameters of startup applications from Task Manager in Windows 10.

The easiest way to edit this information is via the excellent SysInternals Autoruns tool, which also provides an interface to 17 other common ways in which you can automatically run a task on Windows startup :)