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Here is the command sequence that I have used in the past to gain access to a folder where the permissions were locked down.

It will reset ownership to the Administrator group and set the permissions on the "Bad" folder and all subfolders and files to whatever permissions you have set on the parent "Test" folder.

You can save it as a .bat file or just paste the commands into an admin cmd prompt window.

set badfolder="C:\Test\Bad"
takeown /d Y /a /r /f %badfolder%
icacls %badfolder% /reset /t 
icacls %badfolder% /verify /t

Make sure to run in administrator cmd


Here is the command sequence that I have used in the past to gain access to a folder where the permissions were locked down.

It will reset ownership to the Administrator group and set the permissions on the "Bad" folder and all subfolders and files to whatever permissions you have set on the parent "Test" folder.

You can save it as a .bat file or just paste the commands into an admin cmd prompt window.

set badfolder="C:\Test\Bad"
takeown /d Y /a /r /f %badfolder%
icacls %badfolder% /reset /t 
icacls %badfolder% /verify /t


Here is the command sequence that I have used in the past to gain access to a folder where the permissions were locked down.

It will reset ownership to the Administrator group and set the permissions on the "Bad" folder and all subfolders and files to whatever permissions you have set on the parent "Test" folder.

You can save it as a .bat file or just paste the commands into an admin cmd prompt window.

set badfolder="C:\Test\Bad"
takeown /d Y /a /r /f %badfolder%
icacls %badfolder% /reset /t 
icacls %badfolder% /verify /t

Make sure to run in administrator cmd

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Here is the command sequence that I have used in the past to gain access to a folder where the permissions were locked down.

It will reset ownership to the Administrator group and set the permissions on the "Bad" folder and all subfolders and files to whatever permissions you have set on the parent "Test" folder.

You can save it as a .bat file or just paste the commands into an admin cmd prompt window.

set badfolder="C:\Test\Bad"
takeown /d Y /a /r /f %badfolder%
icacls %badfolder% /reset /t 
icacls %badfolder% /verify /t