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EDIT 3: For clarity, my question is "how do I get my external thunderbolt SSD to mount at boot?"

EDIT 3: For clarity, my question is "how do I get my external thunderbolt SSD to mount at boot?"

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My hope was that this would make this mount unit depend on udev (and therefore boltd) before starting. Unfortunately, this did not change anything that I could see. I tried x-systemd.after as well, but no joy.

My hope was that this would make this mount unit depend on udev (and therefore boltd) before starting. Unfortunately, this did not change anything that I could see.

My hope was that this would make this mount unit depend on udev (and therefore boltd) before starting. Unfortunately, this did not change anything that I could see. I tried x-systemd.after as well, but no joy.

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EDIT 1: I've found an article about a similar problem with VirtualBox shared folders.

EDIT 2: I've learned that boltd is started by systemd/udev, so I tried modifying my /etc/fstab entry to look like this:

UUID=cb9940d0-5b0b-4273-97d7-b4dd29768926   /opt    ext4    x-systemd.requires=systemd-udevd.service,rw,relatime    0   2

My hope was that this would make this mount unit depend on udev (and therefore boltd) before starting. Unfortunately, this did not change anything that I could see.

EDIT: I've found an article about a similar problem with VirtualBox shared folders.

EDIT 1: I've found an article about a similar problem with VirtualBox shared folders.

EDIT 2: I've learned that boltd is started by systemd/udev, so I tried modifying my /etc/fstab entry to look like this:

UUID=cb9940d0-5b0b-4273-97d7-b4dd29768926   /opt    ext4    x-systemd.requires=systemd-udevd.service,rw,relatime    0   2

My hope was that this would make this mount unit depend on udev (and therefore boltd) before starting. Unfortunately, this did not change anything that I could see.

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