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The line with ffmpeg of the copied code is not save for path/filenames containing spaces.

Change the ffmpeg-line to the following:

ffmpeg -i "%%F" -r 1 -qscale:v 2 "%%~nF\%%~nF-%%3d.jpg"

Please note the added quotations.

I'd just like to know if there's a better command for including multiple file formats - most of my content is in .mkv but here are random other formats as well.


for %%F in (*.mp4, *.mkv) do (

work for that?

Why don't you test this known code by yourself? Testing this is absolutely trivial. Questions you easily can solve by yourself is not polite. — It prohibits us to help others.

But yes: To catch different file formats by their extension, the simplest change to the code is your own suggestion.


Unfortunately I changed the line but it's still closing immediately and nothing is appearing in the folders

This hints to me that you start the batch by a shortcut icon, but not from within an open command shell.

To see the code working, please open a command shell and start the script as a shell command. CopyPLease copy the output as an update to your question.

Perhaps you want to generate a small test structure of your video collection to limit to a reasonable amount of output.

The line with ffmpeg of the copied code is not save for path/filenames containing spaces.

Change the ffmpeg-line to the following:

ffmpeg -i "%%F" -r 1 -qscale:v 2 "%%~nF\%%~nF-%%3d.jpg"

Please note the added quotations.

I'd just like to know if there's a better command for including multiple file formats - most of my content is in .mkv but here are random other formats as well.


for %%F in (*.mp4, *.mkv) do (

work for that?

Why don't you test this known code by yourself? Testing this is absolutely trivial. Questions you easily can solve by yourself is not polite. — It prohibits us to help others.

But yes: To catch different file formats by their extension, the simplest change to the code is your own suggestion.


Unfortunately I changed the line but it's still closing immediately and nothing is appearing in the folders

This hints to me that you start the batch by a shortcut icon, but not from within an open command shell.

To see the code working, please open a command shell and start the script as a shell command. Copy the output as an update to your question.

Perhaps you want to generate a small test structure of your video collection to limit to a reasonable amount of output.

The line with ffmpeg of the copied code is not save for path/filenames containing spaces.

Change the ffmpeg-line to the following:

ffmpeg -i "%%F" -r 1 -qscale:v 2 "%%~nF\%%~nF-%%3d.jpg"

Please note the added quotations.

I'd just like to know if there's a better command for including multiple file formats - most of my content is in .mkv but here are random other formats as well.


for %%F in (*.mp4, *.mkv) do (

work for that?

Why don't you test this known code by yourself? Testing this is absolutely trivial. Questions you easily can solve by yourself is not polite. — It prohibits us to help others.

But yes: To catch different file formats by their extension, the simplest change to the code is your own suggestion.


Unfortunately I changed the line but it's still closing immediately and nothing is appearing in the folders

This hints to me that you start the batch by a shortcut icon, but not from within an open command shell.

To see the code working, please open a command shell and start the script as a shell command. PLease copy the output as an update to your question.

Perhaps you want to generate a small test structure of your video collection to limit to a reasonable amount of output.

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The line with ffmpeg of the copied code is not save for path/filenames containing spaces.

Change the ffmpeg-line to the following:

ffmpeg -i "%%F" -r 1 -qscale:v 2 "%%~nF\%%~nF-%%3d.jpg"

Please note the added quotations.

I'd just like to know if there's a better command for including multiple file formats - most of my content is in .mkv but here are random other formats as well.


for %%F in (*.mp4, *.mkv) do (

work for that?

Why don't you test this known code by yourself? Testing this is absolutely trivial. Questions you easily can solve by yourself is not polite. — It prohibits us to help others.

But yes: To catch different file formats by their extension, the simplest change to the code is your own suggestion.


Unfortunately I changed the line but it's still closing immediately and nothing is appearing in the folders

This hints to me that you start the batch by a shortcut icon, but not from within an open command shell.

To see the code working, please open a command shell and start the script as a shell command. Copy the output as an update to your question.

Perhaps you want to generate a small test structure of your video collection to limit to a reasonable amount of output.

The line with ffmpeg of the copied code is not save for path/filenames containing spaces.

Change the ffmpeg-line to the following:

ffmpeg -i "%%F" -r 1 -qscale:v 2 "%%~nF\%%~nF-%%3d.jpg"

Please note the added quotations.

I'd just like to know if there's a better command for including multiple file formats - most of my content is in .mkv but here are random other formats as well.


for %%F in (*.mp4, *.mkv) do (

work for that?

Why don't you test this known code by yourself? Testing this is absolutely trivial. Questions you easily can solve by yourself is not polite. — It prohibits us to help others.

But yes: To catch different file formats by their extension, the simplest change to the code is your own suggestion.

The line with ffmpeg of the copied code is not save for path/filenames containing spaces.

Change the ffmpeg-line to the following:

ffmpeg -i "%%F" -r 1 -qscale:v 2 "%%~nF\%%~nF-%%3d.jpg"

Please note the added quotations.

I'd just like to know if there's a better command for including multiple file formats - most of my content is in .mkv but here are random other formats as well.


for %%F in (*.mp4, *.mkv) do (

work for that?

Why don't you test this known code by yourself? Testing this is absolutely trivial. Questions you easily can solve by yourself is not polite. — It prohibits us to help others.

But yes: To catch different file formats by their extension, the simplest change to the code is your own suggestion.


Unfortunately I changed the line but it's still closing immediately and nothing is appearing in the folders

This hints to me that you start the batch by a shortcut icon, but not from within an open command shell.

To see the code working, please open a command shell and start the script as a shell command. Copy the output as an update to your question.

Perhaps you want to generate a small test structure of your video collection to limit to a reasonable amount of output.

added 11 characters in body
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The line with ffmpeg of the copied code is not save for path/filenames containing spaces.

Change the ffmpeg-line to the following:

ffmpeg -i "%%F" -r 1 -qscale:v 2 "%%~nF\%%~nF-%%3d.jpg"

Please note the added quotations.

I'd just like to know if there's a better command for including multiple file formats - most of my content is in .mkv but here are random other formats as well.


for %%F in (*.mp4, *.mkv) do (

work for that?

Why don't you test this known code by yourself? Testing this is absolutely trivial. Questions you easily can solve by yourself is not polite. — It prohibits us to help others.

But yes: To catch different file formats by their extension, the simplest change to the code is your own suggestion.

The line with ffmpeg of the copied code is not save for path/filenames containing spaces.

Change the ffmpeg-line to the following:

ffmpeg -i "%%F" -r 1 -qscale:v 2 "%%~nF\%%~nF-%%3d.jpg"

Please note the added quotations.

I'd just like to know if there's a better command for including multiple file formats - most of my content is in .mkv but here are random other formats as well.


for %%F in (*.mp4, *.mkv) do (

work for that?

Why don't you test this by yourself? Testing this is absolutely trivial. Questions you easily can solve by yourself is not polite. — It prohibits us to help others.

But yes: To catch different file formats by their extension, the simplest change to the code is your own suggestion.

The line with ffmpeg of the copied code is not save for path/filenames containing spaces.

Change the ffmpeg-line to the following:

ffmpeg -i "%%F" -r 1 -qscale:v 2 "%%~nF\%%~nF-%%3d.jpg"

Please note the added quotations.

I'd just like to know if there's a better command for including multiple file formats - most of my content is in .mkv but here are random other formats as well.


for %%F in (*.mp4, *.mkv) do (

work for that?

Why don't you test this known code by yourself? Testing this is absolutely trivial. Questions you easily can solve by yourself is not polite. — It prohibits us to help others.

But yes: To catch different file formats by their extension, the simplest change to the code is your own suggestion.

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