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I was looking for a .bat script for ffmpeg and came across this thread on the forum here.

The code in question is

for %%F in (*.mp4) do (
If not Exist "%%~nF" MkDir "%%~nF"
ffmpeg -i %%F -r 1 -qscale:v 2 %%~nF\%%~nF-%%3d.jpg

FFMPEG is added to PATH, when I try to use this batch script on a folder the folders are created but no images appear.

In addition to getting the screenshots to appear in the folders, I'd just like to know if there's a better command for including multiple file formats - most of my content is in .mkv but here are random other formats as well.


for %%F in (*.mp4, *.mkv) do (

work for that?

I forgot to add, I'm not sure if it matters but the files are on external hard drives (not C:/), the script ran from within the folder that contains the files.

My apologies for creating a new post, I would have commented in that one and hoped for the commenter to respond, but I am a new account and didn't have the reputation. Any help is greatly appreciated, thank you for your time!

I was looking for a .bat script for ffmpeg and came across this thread on the forum here.

The code in question is

for %%F in (*.mp4) do (
If not Exist "%%~nF" MkDir "%%~nF"
ffmpeg -i %%F -r 1 -qscale:v 2 %%~nF\%%~nF-%%3d.jpg

FFMPEG is added to PATH, when I try to use this batch script on a folder the folders are created but no images appear.

In addition to getting the screenshots to appear in the folders, I'd just like to know if there's a better command for including multiple file formats - most of my content is in .mkv but here are random other formats as well.


for %%F in (*.mp4, *.mkv) do (

work for that?

My apologies for creating a new post, I would have commented in that one and hoped for the commenter to respond, but I am a new account and didn't have the reputation. Any help is greatly appreciated, thank you for your time!

I was looking for a .bat script for ffmpeg and came across this thread on the forum here.

The code in question is

for %%F in (*.mp4) do (
If not Exist "%%~nF" MkDir "%%~nF"
ffmpeg -i %%F -r 1 -qscale:v 2 %%~nF\%%~nF-%%3d.jpg

FFMPEG is added to PATH, when I try to use this batch script on a folder the folders are created but no images appear.

In addition to getting the screenshots to appear in the folders, I'd just like to know if there's a better command for including multiple file formats - most of my content is in .mkv but here are random other formats as well.


for %%F in (*.mp4, *.mkv) do (

work for that?

I forgot to add, I'm not sure if it matters but the files are on external hard drives (not C:/), the script ran from within the folder that contains the files.

My apologies for creating a new post, I would have commented in that one and hoped for the commenter to respond, but I am a new account and didn't have the reputation. Any help is greatly appreciated, thank you for your time!

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Creating a .bat for screenshotting folders with ffmpeg

I was looking for a .bat script for ffmpeg and came across this thread on the forum here.

The code in question is

for %%F in (*.mp4) do (
If not Exist "%%~nF" MkDir "%%~nF"
ffmpeg -i %%F -r 1 -qscale:v 2 %%~nF\%%~nF-%%3d.jpg

FFMPEG is added to PATH, when I try to use this batch script on a folder the folders are created but no images appear.

In addition to getting the screenshots to appear in the folders, I'd just like to know if there's a better command for including multiple file formats - most of my content is in .mkv but here are random other formats as well.


for %%F in (*.mp4, *.mkv) do (

work for that?

My apologies for creating a new post, I would have commented in that one and hoped for the commenter to respond, but I am a new account and didn't have the reputation. Any help is greatly appreciated, thank you for your time!