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"Is there a command"...well depends on how you define a

#!/bin/bash (in file 'mynewcommand' set executable in your PATH)
# temp remount fs rw, execute passed in command(s), remount again, ro sudo
mount  -o remount,rw UUID=xxx   /place 
eval $1 
sudo mount -o remount,ro UUID=xxx....

Is this the type of thing you were looking for?

For what it's worth .. the idea that a mount might 'change' the file system applies primarily to file systems that are 'journaled' (a form of drive-format protection). NTFS is journaled on Windows. I don't believe current versions of linux have journaling in them yet. Normally replaying a journal isn't a problem unless you are doing forensics on the file system or the file system is corrupt.

"Is there a command"...well depends on how you define a

#!/bin/bash (in file 'mynewcommand' set executable in your PATH)
# temp remount fs rw, execute passed in command(s), remount again, ro sudo
mount  -o remount,rw UUID=xxx   /place 
eval $1 
sudo mount -o remount,ro UUID=xxx....

Is this the type of thing you were looking for?

"Is there a command"...well depends on how you define a

#!/bin/bash (in file 'mynewcommand' set executable in your PATH)
# temp remount fs rw, execute passed in command(s), remount again, ro sudo
mount  -o remount,rw UUID=xxx   /place 
eval $1 
sudo mount -o remount,ro UUID=xxx....

Is this the type of thing you were looking for?

For what it's worth .. the idea that a mount might 'change' the file system applies primarily to file systems that are 'journaled' (a form of drive-format protection). NTFS is journaled on Windows. I don't believe current versions of linux have journaling in them yet. Normally replaying a journal isn't a problem unless you are doing forensics on the file system or the file system is corrupt.

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"Is there a command"...well depends on how you define a

#!/bin/bash (in file 'mynewcommand' set executable in your PATH)
# temp remount fs rw, execute passed in command(s), remount again, ro sudo
mount  -o remount,rw UUID=xxx   /place 
eval $1 
sudo mount -o remount,ro UUID=xxx....

Is this the type of thing you were looking for?