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I have this command which enters the user in a chrome window to my site.

chrome.exe --incognito --app=""

I want the user to log into their account once (both the software and the site require login to access services)

The problem I'm running into is that I want to attach cookies to the chrome command

I want any way to send cookies to Chrome

I've found tools like ChromeCookiesView but they don't write a new cookie

Can I find someone to help me?

I have this command which enters the user in a chrome window to my site.

chrome.exe --incognito --app=""

I want the user to log into their account once (both the software and the site require login to access services)

The problem I'm running into is that I want to attach cookies to the chrome command

I want any way to send cookies to Chrome

Can I find someone to help me?

I have this command which enters the user in a chrome window to my site.

chrome.exe --incognito --app=""

I want the user to log into their account once (both the software and the site require login to access services)

The problem I'm running into is that I want to attach cookies to the chrome command

I want any way to send cookies to Chrome

I've found tools like ChromeCookiesView but they don't write a new cookie

Can I find someone to help me?

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Add a new cookie from outside of chrome

I have this command which enters the user in a chrome window to my site.

chrome.exe --incognito --app=""

I want the user to log into their account once (both the software and the site require login to access services)

The problem I'm running into is that I want to attach cookies to the chrome command

I want any way to send cookies to Chrome

Can I find someone to help me?