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There are two ways I use:

(1) In Linux: \192 \\192.168.x.y wherey\folder where this is the IP of the LinuxWindows Machine

(2) In Windows: Implement Samba on Linux.

Follow this tutorial

Samba Tutorial

  1. Installing Samba

In the Linux machine, install Samba .

sudo apt update
sudo apt install samba

Use whereis samba to verify the install.

  1. Setting up Samba .

Make a directory to share: mkdir /home//sambashare .

Edit the smb.conf file: sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf .

Add the following lines at the bottom of the file:

comment = Samba on Ubuntu
path = /home/<username>/sambashare
read only = no
browsable = yes

Ctrl-O to save and Ctrl-X to exit the editor .

Restart the samba service: sudo service smd restart .

Update the firewall rules if necessary: sudo ufw allow samba .

Setting up User Accounts and Connecting to Share

sudo smbpasswd -a and password

(username must belong to a system account or it will not work)

In Linux:


There are two ways I use:

(1) In Linux: \192.168.x.y where this is the IP of the Linux Machine

(2) In Windows: Implement Samba on Linux.

Follow this tutorial

Samba Tutorial

  1. Installing Samba

In the Linux machine, install Samba .

sudo apt update
sudo apt install samba

Use whereis samba to verify the install.

  1. Setting up Samba .

Make a directory to share: mkdir /home//sambashare .

Edit the smb.conf file: sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf .

Add the following lines at the bottom of the file:

comment = Samba on Ubuntu
path = /home/<username>/sambashare
read only = no
browsable = yes

Ctrl-O to save and Ctrl-X to exit the editor .

Restart the samba service: sudo service smd restart .

Update the firewall rules if necessary: sudo ufw allow samba .

Setting up User Accounts and Connecting to Share

sudo smbpasswd -a and password

(username must belong to a system account or it will not work)

In Linux:


There are two ways I use:

(1) In Linux: \\192.168.x.y\folder where this is the IP of the Windows Machine

(2) In Windows: Implement Samba on Linux.

Follow this tutorial

Samba Tutorial

  1. Installing Samba

In the Linux machine, install Samba .

sudo apt update
sudo apt install samba

Use whereis samba to verify the install.

  1. Setting up Samba .

Make a directory to share: mkdir /home//sambashare .

Edit the smb.conf file: sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf .

Add the following lines at the bottom of the file:

comment = Samba on Ubuntu
path = /home/<username>/sambashare
read only = no
browsable = yes

Ctrl-O to save and Ctrl-X to exit the editor .

Restart the samba service: sudo service smd restart .

Update the firewall rules if necessary: sudo ufw allow samba .

Setting up User Accounts and Connecting to Share

sudo smbpasswd -a and password

(username must belong to a system account or it will not work)

In Linux:


Source Link

There are two ways I use:

(1) In Linux: \192.168.x.y where this is the IP of the Linux Machine

(2) In Windows: Implement Samba on Linux.

Follow this tutorial

Samba Tutorial

  1. Installing Samba

In the Linux machine, install Samba .

sudo apt update
sudo apt install samba

Use whereis samba to verify the install.

  1. Setting up Samba .

Make a directory to share: mkdir /home//sambashare .

Edit the smb.conf file: sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf .

Add the following lines at the bottom of the file:

comment = Samba on Ubuntu
path = /home/<username>/sambashare
read only = no
browsable = yes

Ctrl-O to save and Ctrl-X to exit the editor .

Restart the samba service: sudo service smd restart .

Update the firewall rules if necessary: sudo ufw allow samba .

Setting up User Accounts and Connecting to Share

sudo smbpasswd -a and password

(username must belong to a system account or it will not work)

In Linux:
