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So a program I was running just crashed because it was out of memory, and I was like, that's weird, because the only other programs I have running is task manager and chrome. So I open resource monitor and lo and behold I only have 100 MB of free memory and more than 2000 MB of standby memory. When sorting by memory usage in task manager, it says 80% of it is being used even though when adding all the processes' memory usage together it doesn't add up.

Then I do a quick google search and they tell me to download rammap. So I download it, accept the eula, and when I open it, it gives me this error: image description here

Then I search that up online and it tells me to run disk defrag. i run it and it says that my C drive is fine. Then it tells me to diagnose and clean my c drive using cmd. So I type "cmd" into the windows search and click run as administrator, and it gives me the same error.

Then I search for an alternative, and come across "process hacker" from sourceforge. The application looks trustworthy, so I give it an install and when I open it, lo and behold, it gives me "ShellexecutionEx failed" with the same error code. Apparently it has something to do with an application shutting down because it doesn't have admin access.

Now for someone who doesn't have valuable information that cannot be saved before restart, the obvious solution would be to restart my pc, but I have 100+ tabs in chrome incognito mode that cannot be easily saved, so restarting is not an option.

So a program I was running just crashed because it was out of memory, and I was like, that's weird, because the only other programs I have running is task manager and chrome. So I open resource monitor and lo and behold I only have 100 MB of free memory and more than 2000 MB of standby memory. When sorting by memory usage in task manager, it says 80% of it is being used even though when adding all the processes' memory usage together it doesn't add up.

Then I do a quick google search and they tell me to download rammap. So I download it, accept the eula, and when I open it, it gives me this error

Then I search that up online and it tells me to run disk defrag. i run it and it says that my C drive is fine. Then it tells me to diagnose and clean my c drive using cmd. So I type "cmd" into the windows search and click run as administrator, and it gives me the same error.

Then I search for an alternative, and come across "process hacker" from sourceforge. The application looks trustworthy, so I give it an install and when I open it, lo and behold, it gives me "ShellexecutionEx failed" with the same error code. Apparently it has something to do with an application shutting down because it doesn't have admin access.

Now for someone who doesn't have valuable information that cannot be saved before restart, the obvious solution would be to restart my pc, but I have 100+ tabs in chrome incognito mode that cannot be easily saved, so restarting is not an option.

So a program I was running just crashed because it was out of memory, and I was like, that's weird, because the only other programs I have running is task manager and chrome. So I open resource monitor and lo and behold I only have 100 MB of free memory and more than 2000 MB of standby memory. When sorting by memory usage in task manager, it says 80% of it is being used even though when adding all the processes' memory usage together it doesn't add up.

Then I do a quick google search and they tell me to download rammap. So I download it, accept the eula, and when I open it, it gives me this error:

enter image description here

Then I search that up online and it tells me to run disk defrag. i run it and it says that my C drive is fine. Then it tells me to diagnose and clean my c drive using cmd. So I type "cmd" into the windows search and click run as administrator, and it gives me the same error.

Then I search for an alternative, and come across "process hacker" from sourceforge. The application looks trustworthy, so I give it an install and when I open it, lo and behold, it gives me "ShellexecutionEx failed" with the same error code. Apparently it has something to do with an application shutting down because it doesn't have admin access.

Now for someone who doesn't have valuable information that cannot be saved before restart, the obvious solution would be to restart my pc, but I have 100+ tabs in chrome incognito mode that cannot be easily saved, so restarting is not an option.

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Urgent: Cannot run any program as administrator, gives file system error (-1073740791) on Windows 10

So a program I was running just crashed because it was out of memory, and I was like, that's weird, because the only other programs I have running is task manager and chrome. So I open resource monitor and lo and behold I only have 100 MB of free memory and more than 2000 MB of standby memory. When sorting by memory usage in task manager, it says 80% of it is being used even though when adding all the processes' memory usage together it doesn't add up.

Then I do a quick google search and they tell me to download rammap. So I download it, accept the eula, and when I open it, it gives me this error

Then I search that up online and it tells me to run disk defrag. i run it and it says that my C drive is fine. Then it tells me to diagnose and clean my c drive using cmd. So I type "cmd" into the windows search and click run as administrator, and it gives me the same error.

Then I search for an alternative, and come across "process hacker" from sourceforge. The application looks trustworthy, so I give it an install and when I open it, lo and behold, it gives me "ShellexecutionEx failed" with the same error code. Apparently it has something to do with an application shutting down because it doesn't have admin access.

Now for someone who doesn't have valuable information that cannot be saved before restart, the obvious solution would be to restart my pc, but I have 100+ tabs in chrome incognito mode that cannot be easily saved, so restarting is not an option.