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Can I use a MocaMoCA Adapter to bridge a connection from a 5G modem to anothera DOCSIS cable modem router

My house only supports DOCSIS (coaxial Cable) internet. My idea is to setupset up a 5g5G Modem with a MoCaMoCA adapter to another Cable Modema DOCSIS Router as such:

5G Modem|------>MoCa|------>WAN/Cable Modem|------>|Lan1 |Lan2 |Lan3 |Lan4

5G Modem|------>MoCA|------>WAN/DOCSIS Modem|------>|LAN1

I'm pretty sure the answer is no, but could this work with or without a MoCaMoCA enabled DOCSIS Modem?


Can I use a Moca Adapter to bridge a connection from a modem to another cable modem router

My house only supports Cable internet. My idea is to setup a 5g Modem with a MoCa adapter to another Cable Modem Router as such

5G Modem|------>MoCa|------>WAN/Cable Modem|------>|Lan1 |Lan2 |Lan3 |Lan4

I'm pretty sure the answer is no, but could this work with or without a MoCa enabled Modem?


Can I use a MoCA Adapter to bridge a connection from a 5G modem to a DOCSIS cable modem router

My house only supports DOCSIS (coaxial Cable) internet. My idea is to set up a 5G Modem with a MoCA adapter to a DOCSIS Router as such:

5G Modem|------>MoCA|------>WAN/DOCSIS Modem|------>|LAN1

I'm pretty sure the answer is no, but could this work with or without a MoCA enabled DOCSIS Modem?

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Can I use a Moca Adapter to bridge a connection from a modem to another cable modem router

My house only supports Cable internet. My idea is to setup a 5g Modem with a MoCa adapter to another Cable Modem Router as such

5G Modem|------>MoCa|------>WAN/Cable Modem|------>|Lan1 |Lan2 |Lan3 |Lan4

I'm pretty sure the answer is no, but could this work with or without a MoCa enabled Modem?
