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added offline use section
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You're already using google drive to share these files, so why instead not use google sheets? This includes versioning, so any edit can be browsed and undone.

If you click the 'Last edit was ...' link to the right of the 'help' in the menu, you will get a list of edits/versions and which user made them:

enter image description here

Offline use is possible, assuming you have the Google Drive client installed:

  1. On your computer, go to
  2. Right click the Google Docs, Sheets, or Slides file you want to save offline.
  3. Turn on "Available offline."

You may have to make sure only one offline version is edited at a time, or there might be colliding versions. This is no different from sending the same xlsx file to multiple authors and receiving edited versions from each of them.

You're already using google drive to share these files, so why instead not use google sheets? This includes versioning, so any edit can be browsed and undone.

If you click the 'Last edit was ...' link to the right of the 'help' in the menu, you will get a list of edits/versions and which user made them:

enter image description here

You're already using google drive to share these files, so why instead not use google sheets? This includes versioning, so any edit can be browsed and undone.

If you click the 'Last edit was ...' link to the right of the 'help' in the menu, you will get a list of edits/versions and which user made them:

enter image description here

Offline use is possible, assuming you have the Google Drive client installed:

  1. On your computer, go to
  2. Right click the Google Docs, Sheets, or Slides file you want to save offline.
  3. Turn on "Available offline."

You may have to make sure only one offline version is edited at a time, or there might be colliding versions. This is no different from sending the same xlsx file to multiple authors and receiving edited versions from each of them.

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You're already using google drive to share these files, so why instead not use google sheets? This includes versioning, so any edit can be browsed and undone.

If you click the 'Last edit was ...' link to the right of the 'help' in the menu, you will get a list of edits/versions and which user made them:

enter image description here