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Xtra Coder
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I was trying to find out what is eating memory in my Windows 10 - the problem is to find values which sum up into "Committed" size shown in TaskManager at Performance/Memory tab.

Unfortunatelly I could not find where to get these number from. The closesest I could find is sum of PagedMemorySize64 provided by get-process in powershell. When "Commited" in task manager was at 21.7GB, sum of PagedMemorySize64 for all processes was around 19GB - 2.7GB is still hidden somewere. If someone knows better way to get list with processes commit size - please tell it in comments.

Here is the command for powershell to dump list to file, then Excel will help to sum the numbers.

$TypeData = @{
    TypeName = 'System.Diagnostics.Process'
    MemberType = 'ScriptProperty'
    MemberName = 'CommandLine'
    Value = {(Get-CimInstance Win32_Process -Filter "ProcessId = $($this.Id)").CommandLine}
Update-TypeData @TypeData

get-process | sort PagedMemorySize64 -desc | select PagedMemorySize64, ProcessName, CommandLine > processes.txt 

get-process | measure-object -sum PagedMemorySize64

PS: hint to use PagedMemorySize64 I took from here:

I was trying to find out what is eating memory in my Windows 10 - the problem is to find values which sum up into "Committed" size shown in TaskManager at Performance/Memory tab.

Unfortunatelly I could not find where to get these number from. The closesest I could find is sum of PagedMemorySize64 provided by get-process in powershell. When "Commited" in task manager was at 21.7GB, sum of PagedMemorySize64 for all processes was around 19GB - 2.7GB is still hidden somewere. If someone knows better way to get list with processes commit size - please tell it in comments.

Here is the command for powershell to dump list to file, then Excel will help to sum the numbers.

$TypeData = @{
    TypeName = 'System.Diagnostics.Process'
    MemberType = 'ScriptProperty'
    MemberName = 'CommandLine'
    Value = {(Get-CimInstance Win32_Process -Filter "ProcessId = $($this.Id)").CommandLine}
Update-TypeData @TypeData

get-process | sort PagedMemorySize64 -desc | select PagedMemorySize64, ProcessName, CommandLine > processes.txt

PS: hint to use PagedMemorySize64 I took from here:

I was trying to find out what is eating memory in my Windows 10 - the problem is to find values which sum up into "Committed" size shown in TaskManager at Performance/Memory tab.

Unfortunatelly I could not find where to get these number from. The closesest I could find is sum of PagedMemorySize64 provided by get-process in powershell. When "Commited" in task manager was at 21.7GB, sum of PagedMemorySize64 for all processes was around 19GB - 2.7GB is still hidden somewere. If someone knows better way to get list with processes commit size - please tell it in comments.

Here is the command for powershell to dump list to file, then Excel will help to sum the numbers.

$TypeData = @{
    TypeName = 'System.Diagnostics.Process'
    MemberType = 'ScriptProperty'
    MemberName = 'CommandLine'
    Value = {(Get-CimInstance Win32_Process -Filter "ProcessId = $($this.Id)").CommandLine}
Update-TypeData @TypeData

get-process | sort PagedMemorySize64 -desc | select PagedMemorySize64, ProcessName, CommandLine > processes.txt 

get-process | measure-object -sum PagedMemorySize64

PS: hint to use PagedMemorySize64 I took from here:

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Xtra Coder
  • 243
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  • 8

I was trying to find out what is eating memory in my Windows 10 - the problem is to find values which sum up into "Committed" size shown in TaskManager at Performance/Memory tab.

Unfortunatelly I could not find where to get these number from. The closesest I could find is sum of PagedMemorySize64 provided by get-process in powershell. When "Commited" in task manager was at 21.7GB, sum of PagedMemorySize64 for all processes was around 19GB - 2.7GB is still hidden somewere. If someone knows better way to get list with processes commit size - please tell it in comments.

Here is the command for powershell to dump list to file, then Excel will help to sum the numbers.

$TypeData = @{
    TypeName = 'System.Diagnostics.Process'
    MemberType = 'ScriptProperty'
    MemberName = 'CommandLine'
    Value = {(Get-CimInstance Win32_Process -Filter "ProcessId = $($this.Id)").CommandLine}
Update-TypeData @TypeData

get-process | sort PagedMemorySize64 -desc | select PagedMemorySize64, ProcessName, CommandLine > processes.txt

PS: hint to use PagedMemorySize64 I took from here: