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What Winsdowsdoes Windows folder/file encryption exactly mean?

I did use windowsWindows explorer folder properties to Encrypt a folder and it's files.

Here are my questions:(Windowsin Windows 11)

1: In the process no password was setup. I was able to login folder properties to my computer usingencrypt a different userfolder and still was able to see the content of theits files. So what is the encryption used for? Only if someone steal my hard drive cannot see the folder's content?

2:What is the security level of folder/file encryption? can a rookie hacker still see the folder/files?

  1. In the process no password was setup. I was able to login to my computer using a different user and still was able to see the content of the files. So what is the encryption used for? Only if someone steals my hard drive cannot see the folder's content?

  2. What is the security level of folder/file encryption? can a rookie hacker still see the folder/files?

What Winsdows folder/file encryption exactly mean

I did use windows explorer folder properties to Encrypt a folder and it's files.

Here are my questions:(Windows 11)

1: In the process no password was setup. I was able to login to my computer using a different user and still was able to see the content of the files. So what is the encryption used for? Only if someone steal my hard drive cannot see the folder's content?

2:What is the security level of folder/file encryption? can a rookie hacker still see the folder/files?

What does Windows folder/file encryption exactly mean?

I use Windows explorer (in Windows 11) folder properties to encrypt a folder and its files.

  1. In the process no password was setup. I was able to login to my computer using a different user and still was able to see the content of the files. So what is the encryption used for? Only if someone steals my hard drive cannot see the folder's content?

  2. What is the security level of folder/file encryption? can a rookie hacker still see the folder/files?

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What Winsdows folder/file encryption exactly mean

I did use windows explorer folder properties to Encrypt a folder and it's files.

Here are my questions:(Windows 11)

1: In the process no password was setup. I was able to login to my computer using a different user and still was able to see the content of the files. So what is the encryption used for? Only if someone steal my hard drive cannot see the folder's content?

2:What is the security level of folder/file encryption? can a rookie hacker still see the folder/files?