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Since I can not comment nor answer this question, I am trying to edit it to correct a mistake: the command 'xcopy F:\Recovery C:\ /E /H /I' does not do what is intended. This caused the 3 comments also and the user 'mal' just did not realize that there was a problem caused not by himself.
Source Link
xcopy F:\Recovery C:\\Recovery /E /H /I
xcopy F:\Recovery C:\ /E /H /I
xcopy F:\Recovery C:\Recovery /E /H /I
Source Link

An example how to move Recovery Partition to OS Partition

DISKPART> list volume

  Volume ###  Ltr  Label        Fs     Type        Size     Status     Info
  ----------  ---  -----------  -----  ----------  -------  ---------  --------
  Volume 0         System Rese  NTFS   Partition    500 MB  Healthy    System
  Volume 1     C   Windows11    NTFS   Partition     58 GB  Healthy    Boot
  Volume 2                      NTFS   Partition    617 MB  Healthy    Hidden

DISKPART> select volume 2
DISKPART> assign letter=F
DISKPART> list volume

  Volume ###  Ltr  Label        Fs     Type        Size     Status     Info
  ----------  ---  -----------  -----  ----------  -------  ---------  --------
  Volume 0         System Rese  NTFS   Partition    500 MB  Healthy    System
  Volume 1     C   Windows11    NTFS   Partition     58 GB  Healthy    Boot
  Volume 2     F                NTFS   Partition    617 MB  Healthy    Hidden

xcopy F:\Recovery C:\ /E /H /I
ReAgentc /info

Windows Recovery Environment (Windows RE) and system reset configuration

    Windows RE status:         Enabled
    Windows RE location:       \\?\GLOBALROOT\device\harddisk2\partition3\Recovery\WindowsRE
    Boot Configuration Data (BCD) identifier: b4c3cf2d-1282-11ed-b4c8-b90a37105c4b
    Recovery image location:
    Recovery image index:      0
    Custom image location:
    Custom image index:        0
ReAgentc /disable

ReAgentc /setreimage /path C:\Recovery\WindowsRE /target C:\Windows

ReAgentc /enable
ReAgentc /info

Windows Recovery Environment (Windows RE) and system reset configuration

    Windows RE status:         Enabled
    Windows RE location:       \\?\GLOBALROOT\device\harddisk2\partition2\Recovery\WindowsRE
    Boot Configuration Data (BCD) identifier: b4c3cf2f-1282-11ed-b4c8-b90a37105c4b
    Recovery image location:
    Recovery image index:      0
    Custom image location:
    Custom image index:        0

NOTE: Observe that "partition3" changed to "partition2"

delete a Recovery Partition

DISKPART> list volume

  Volume ###  Ltr  Label        Fs     Type        Size     Status     Info
  ----------  ---  -----------  -----  ----------  -------  ---------  --------
  Volume 0         System Rese  NTFS   Partition    500 MB  Healthy    System
  Volume 1     C   Windows11    NTFS   Partition     58 GB  Healthy    Boot
  Volume 2     F                NTFS   Partition    617 MB  Healthy    Hidden

DISKPART> select volume 2
DISKPART> detail partition

Partition 3
Type  : 27
Hidden: No
Active: No
Offset in Bytes: 83763396608

  Volume ###  Ltr  Label        Fs     Type        Size     Status     Info
  ----------  ---  -----------  -----  ----------  -------  ---------  --------
* Volume 2     F                NTFS   Partition    617 MB  Healthy    Hidden

DISKPART> delete partition override