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Jun 9, 2022 at 2:51 answer added barlop timeline score: 0
May 30, 2022 at 15:25 comment added barlop also that thing u call a router, is really better called an internet box,and it has many functionalities, NAT is one,, Routing is another(though very basic routing usually),a network switch in there so switching functionality I suppose. These are all functionalities, the router the switch the modem possibly a basic firewall in there. Some call it a NAT router or NAT device(though it does other things too as mentioned eg even a modem in there).. Marketting calls it a router. But router is really a function,, and the function relevant2this subject here, is NAT. Even a specific NAT called NAPT.
May 30, 2022 at 15:21 comment added barlop You have the functionalities of each. Which one starts the connection is a design choice! In a VNC reverse connection, you have the VNC viewer and the VNC viewed. And normally the viewer is the client and the viewed is the server. But a so-called reverse connection, has the computer to be viewed, initiate the connection to the computer that will view. So e.g. an IT technician guy can have a user double click a file, and then the IT technician guy can view the user's screen.
May 30, 2022 at 15:18 comment added barlop if we put aside the term "web server", and use the term "web provider", we can say, a web browser connects to a web provider. And we are used to the web browser initiating the connection, so the web browser is a client, and the web provider listens, so the web provider is a web server. (by definition, the client initiates, the server listens)... But somebody could in theory set up a system where the web browser listens and the web provider initiates the connection! i.e. the web browser is the server and the web provider is the client!
May 30, 2022 at 15:14 comment added barlop also, by the way, gronostaj's suggestion of zerotier looks interesting.. and quite a modern thing. might have VPN functionality and remote viewing functionality, sounds like something I might want to try some time too.
May 30, 2022 at 15:11 comment added barlop ideal thing for explaining this wud be the chat feature, do u have rep to join it?. Port forwarding doesnt get thru a firewall but it gets thru NAT and NAT can be a bit like a firewall blocking incoming connections.. If you do web browsing, its an outgoing connection from the web browser's end, so it goes straight through the NAT functionality. Once a connection is made, whether it is outgoing or incoming, then traffic can be both ways. Any principles that apply for a web client/server here apply to a VNC client/server or any kind of client/server pair, client initiating, server listening.
May 30, 2022 at 12:03 comment added overclockingTheRefrigerator @barlop thanks, for the answers! I kinda get it now... Tho if I do not need to forward ports for being reachable from the outside, does that mean in this case the browser is avoiding the routers firewall?, casue I obv. couldn't set up a public webserver without forwarding.
May 29, 2022 at 23:24 comment added barlop But when leaving it it can change what password it requires to get in.. teamviewer is a good solution when there's two people looking to connect.. whether you want to leave it running or how good it is leaving it running for you to connect to , is another matter. But it's a program that's good to know about and have some familiarity with.
May 29, 2022 at 23:24 comment added barlop As for teamviewer it's extremely simple , simpler than vnc, you could watch a youtube video showing it.. Each person runs the program, and they connect to each other, presumably some server in between them run by teamviewer. It's so simple to set up that it's often used by IT people to fix somebody's computer so they can get the other person who doesn't know about computers to download it and run it. And it's as easy or the IT person as it is for the other person. There'd be some youtube videos showing it.
May 29, 2022 at 23:20 comment added barlop In regard to your question of how it's possible for a computer to be controlled and wouldn't that require it to be accessible from outside. Well, when you browser the internet you don't forward any ports at your end but your computer is still controlled by your web browser / whatever software is on it. You are at the mercy of whatever programs are on your computer!
May 29, 2022 at 23:19 comment added barlop In regard to your question re intermediate server and reverse connection. In a reverse connection, there is no "intermediate" server.. it's just that instead of A connecting to B, B connects to A. So there is still port forwarding it's just on the viewer end rather than the viewed end.
May 29, 2022 at 21:31 comment added overclockingTheRefrigerator @barlop so you're saying there is port forwarding being done but by the intermediate RealVNC server? What I do not fully understand is how in such a reverse connection this server manages to control my viewed computer, as this would require it to be accessible from outside right? And secondly how does teamviewer work exactly then?
May 29, 2022 at 21:20 answer added gronostaj timeline score: 0
May 29, 2022 at 21:04 comment added barlop also many people use teamviewer rather than vnc.. so as to avoid port forwarding!
May 29, 2022 at 21:04 comment added barlop there is such a thing as a reverse connection, but that still involves forwarding ports, instead of the viewer computer initiating a connection to the viewed(and the viewed computer running a server and the NAT router near the viewed server having port forwarding done to the viewed computer).. In a reverse . connection the viewed computer initiates a connection, and the viewer computer's router has to have port forwarding set up. So it is done when a technical person wants to view somebody elses computer, the techie takes on the burden of port forwarding.
May 29, 2022 at 20:39 history edited overclockingTheRefrigerator CC BY-SA 4.0
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May 29, 2022 at 20:39 history edited overclockingTheRefrigerator CC BY-SA 4.0
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S May 29, 2022 at 20:37 review First questions
May 29, 2022 at 20:39
S May 29, 2022 at 20:37 history asked overclockingTheRefrigerator CC BY-SA 4.0