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deleted 4 characters in body
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Very well organized repo, as it also contains the tests under /tests. Here I found several test cases starting with delete, and in, I found the proper syntax(and not surprisingly, it says deleting a member with the archive from stdin was not working properly. Don't know since when, but at least inActually it works both with tar 1.29 and 1.34, it is not workingso you can skip the install of 1.34):

So you can nowYou use cat to get content of tarball, pipe (|) to tar itself, and with file to process coming from stdin (-, now is the pipe of cat), and delete and redirect (>) to another file. After this you can rename this new file to the original archive name to replace. You CANNOT edit in place, however.

AndIf you want to install it, use ./configure && sudo make && sudo make install. Strangely, it does not replace tar 1.29 under /usr/bin, but installs in /usr/local/bin/tar.


tar=/usr/local/bin/tar # or tar=/bin/tar, the syntax is the same

# tar needs find to package without ".". u for update, c for create
function pack_all_without_period() {
    find $1 -printf "%P\n" -type f -o -type l -o -type d | sudo $tar -$3f $2 --no-recursion -C $1 -T -

if [ -z $1 ]; then
    printf "Save the image as tar, extract, and enter each layer to remove the vulnerable classes(JMSAppender/SocketServer/SimpleSocketServer)\nPlease provide the image name. \n"
    exit 1
if [ ! -d $dir ]; then 
    mkdir $dir
# save image to tar
docker save $1 -o $image_tar
# extract tar
$tar xf $image_tar -C $dir
# each layer is extracted to a folder, each folder has a "layer.tar". 
# Go into each folder, extract `layer.tar`, and use `jar` to remove the classes
# and package them back to `layer.tar` (-a to append), and delete the extracted folders.
# at last, package all layers + manifest.json and so back into another tar, WITHOUT COMPRESSION
cd $dir
# enter layer and exit
for layer in */; do
    echo Processing layer $layer
    cd $layer
    # tar does not support overwrite, as tape cannot be overwritten; so I wanted to remove the original jar from tar, 
    # then append it back with tar -u/-A/-r; but then I found tar --delete is extremely slow(by design)
    # so at last I have to extract all files and package them back
    sudo $tar --extract --directory=. --file layer.tar --wildcards "*.jar"   # file tree is preserved, so package them back is easy
    if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then 
        for f in $(find . -mindepth 1 -name "*.jar" -not -type l -printf "%P\n"); do # exclude jolokia.jar(link)
            sudo jar -tvf $f | grep -E "(*JMSAppender*.class|*SocketServer.class|*log4j*.class)"
            if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
                echo Found classes in $f
                read -p "Do you want to remove these classes? (Y/N) " option
                if [[ $option == 'Y' || $option == 'y' ]]; then
                    echo Removing class file from $f
                    sudo zip -d $f "*JMSAppender.class" "*SocketServer.class" "*SimpleSocketServer.class"
                    ######### here the correct syntax, finally #########
                    cat layer.tar | tar f - --delete $f > layer-new.tar
                    sudo mv layer-new.tar layer.tar
                    tar -rf layer.tar $f
                else continue

        sudo rm -r $(find . -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d -print)
    cd .. # back to $dir

cd ..

# tar will always include a folder "." as root. This function get rid of it, so the archive
# only contains the content of the folder
# compress will preserve ownership and group by default; and to extract while preserving the same info,
# we use '--same-owner', which is used by default when using sudo. 
# again, append all layers and files to new tar, without leading "."
echo after processing all layers, we are at $(pwd)
pack_all_without_period $dir amq-image-fixed.tar c
sudo rm -Irv $dir $image_tar

Very well organized repo, as it also contains the tests under /tests. Here I found several test cases starting with delete, and in, I found the proper syntax(and not surprisingly, it says deleting a member with the archive from stdin was not working properly. Don't know since when, but at least in 1.29, it is not working):

So you can now use cat to get content of tarball, pipe (|) to tar itself, and with file to process coming from stdin (-, now is the pipe of cat), and delete and redirect (>) to another file. After this you can rename this new file to the original archive name to replace. You CANNOT edit in place, however.

And to install it, use ./configure && sudo make && sudo make install. Strangely, it does not replace tar 1.29 under /usr/bin, but installs in /usr/local/bin/tar.



# tar needs find to package without ".". u for update, c for create
function pack_all_without_period() {
    find $1 -printf "%P\n" -type f -o -type l -o -type d | sudo $tar -$3f $2 --no-recursion -C $1 -T -

if [ -z $1 ]; then
    printf "Save the image as tar, extract, and enter each layer to remove the vulnerable classes(JMSAppender/SocketServer/SimpleSocketServer)\nPlease provide the image name. \n"
    exit 1
if [ ! -d $dir ]; then 
    mkdir $dir
# save image to tar
docker save $1 -o $image_tar
# extract tar
$tar xf $image_tar -C $dir
# each layer is extracted to a folder, each folder has a "layer.tar". 
# Go into each folder, extract `layer.tar`, and use `jar` to remove the classes
# and package them back to `layer.tar` (-a to append), and delete the extracted folders.
# at last, package all layers + manifest.json and so back into another tar, WITHOUT COMPRESSION
cd $dir
# enter layer and exit
for layer in */; do
    echo Processing layer $layer
    cd $layer
    # tar does not support overwrite, as tape cannot be overwritten; so I wanted to remove the original jar from tar, 
    # then append it back with tar -u/-A/-r; but then I found tar --delete is extremely slow(by design)
    # so at last I have to extract all files and package them back
    sudo $tar --extract --directory=. --file layer.tar --wildcards "*.jar"   # file tree is preserved, so package them back is easy
    if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then 
        for f in $(find . -mindepth 1 -name "*.jar" -not -type l -printf "%P\n"); do # exclude jolokia.jar(link)
            sudo jar -tvf $f | grep -E "(*JMSAppender*.class|*SocketServer.class|*log4j*.class)"
            if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
                echo Found classes in $f
                read -p "Do you want to remove these classes? (Y/N) " option
                if [[ $option == 'Y' || $option == 'y' ]]; then
                    echo Removing class file from $f
                    sudo zip -d $f "*JMSAppender.class" "*SocketServer.class" "*SimpleSocketServer.class"
                    ######### here the correct syntax, finally #########
                    cat layer.tar | tar f - --delete $f > layer-new.tar
                    sudo mv layer-new.tar layer.tar
                    tar -rf layer.tar $f
                else continue

        sudo rm -r $(find . -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d -print)
    cd .. # back to $dir

cd ..

# tar will always include a folder "." as root. This function get rid of it, so the archive
# only contains the content of the folder
# compress will preserve ownership and group by default; and to extract while preserving the same info,
# we use '--same-owner', which is used by default when using sudo. 
# again, append all layers and files to new tar, without leading "."
echo after processing all layers, we are at $(pwd)
pack_all_without_period $dir amq-image-fixed.tar c
sudo rm -Irv $dir $image_tar

Very well organized repo, as it also contains the tests under /tests. Here I found several test cases starting with delete, and in, I found the proper syntax(and not surprisingly, it says deleting a member with the archive from stdin was not working properly. Actually it works both with tar 1.29 and 1.34, so you can skip the install of 1.34):

You use cat to get content of tarball, pipe (|) to tar itself, and with file to process coming from stdin (-, now is the pipe of cat), and delete and redirect (>) to another file. After this you can rename this new file to the original archive name to replace. You CANNOT edit in place, however.

If you want to install it, use ./configure && sudo make && sudo make install. Strangely, it does not replace tar 1.29 under /bin, but installs in /usr/local/bin/tar.


tar=/usr/local/bin/tar # or tar=/bin/tar, the syntax is the same

# tar needs find to package without ".". u for update, c for create
function pack_all_without_period() {
    find $1 -printf "%P\n" -type f -o -type l -o -type d | sudo $tar -$3f $2 --no-recursion -C $1 -T -

if [ -z $1 ]; then
    printf "Save the image as tar, extract, and enter each layer to remove the vulnerable classes(JMSAppender/SocketServer/SimpleSocketServer)\nPlease provide the image name. \n"
    exit 1
if [ ! -d $dir ]; then 
    mkdir $dir
# save image to tar
docker save $1 -o $image_tar
# extract tar
$tar xf $image_tar -C $dir
# each layer is extracted to a folder, each folder has a "layer.tar". 
# Go into each folder, extract `layer.tar`, and use `jar` to remove the classes
# and package them back to `layer.tar` (-a to append), and delete the extracted folders.
# at last, package all layers + manifest.json and so back into another tar, WITHOUT COMPRESSION
cd $dir
# enter layer and exit
for layer in */; do
    echo Processing layer $layer
    cd $layer
    # tar does not support overwrite, as tape cannot be overwritten; so I wanted to remove the original jar from tar, 
    # then append it back with tar -u/-A/-r; but then I found tar --delete is extremely slow(by design)
    # so at last I have to extract all files and package them back
    sudo $tar --extract --directory=. --file layer.tar --wildcards "*.jar"   # file tree is preserved, so package them back is easy
    if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then 
        for f in $(find . -mindepth 1 -name "*.jar" -not -type l -printf "%P\n"); do # exclude jolokia.jar(link)
            sudo jar -tvf $f | grep -E "(*JMSAppender*.class|*SocketServer.class|*log4j*.class)"
            if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
                echo Found classes in $f
                read -p "Do you want to remove these classes? (Y/N) " option
                if [[ $option == 'Y' || $option == 'y' ]]; then
                    echo Removing class file from $f
                    sudo zip -d $f "*JMSAppender.class" "*SocketServer.class" "*SimpleSocketServer.class"
                    ######### here the correct syntax, finally #########
                    cat layer.tar | tar f - --delete $f > layer-new.tar
                    sudo mv layer-new.tar layer.tar
                    tar -rf layer.tar $f
                else continue

        sudo rm -r $(find . -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d -print)
    cd .. # back to $dir

cd ..

# tar will always include a folder "." as root. This function get rid of it, so the archive
# only contains the content of the folder
# compress will preserve ownership and group by default; and to extract while preserving the same info,
# we use '--same-owner', which is used by default when using sudo. 
# again, append all layers and files to new tar, without leading "."
echo after processing all layers, we are at $(pwd)
pack_all_without_period $dir amq-image-fixed.tar c
sudo rm -Irv $dir $image_tar

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Now after checking the version of tar:

$ tar --version
tar (GNU tar) 1.29
Copyright (C) 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>.
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.

Written by John Gilmore and Jay Fenlason.

I went to GNU Tar page and download the latest version, now is 1.34

Very well organized repo, as it also contains the tests under /tests. Here I found several test cases starting with delete, and in, I found the proper syntax(and not surprisingly, it says deleting a member with the archive from stdin was not working properly. Don't know since when, but at least in 1.29, it is not working):

# Deleting a member with the archive from stdin was not working correctly.

AT_SETUP([deleting a member from stdin archive])
AT_KEYWORDS([delete delete02])

genfile -l 3073 -p zeros --file 1
cp 1 2
cp 2 3
tar cf archive 1 2 3
tar tf archive
cat archive | tar f - --delete 2 > archive2
echo separator
tar tf archive2],


So, the syntax now is:

cat tar_archive | tar f - --delete <filename_to_delete> > another_archive

So you can now use cat to get content of tarball, pipe (|) to tar itself, and with file to process coming from stdin (-, now is the pipe of cat), and delete and redirect (>) to another file. After this you can rename this new file to the original archive name to replace. You CANNOT edit in place, however.

And to install it, use ./configure && sudo make && sudo make install. Strangely, it does not replace tar 1.29 under /usr/bin, but installs in /usr/local/bin/tar.

So the complete script now is:



# tar needs find to package without ".". u for update, c for create
function pack_all_without_period() {
    find $1 -printf "%P\n" -type f -o -type l -o -type d | sudo $tar -$3f $2 --no-recursion -C $1 -T -

if [ -z $1 ]; then
    printf "Save the image as tar, extract, and enter each layer to remove the vulnerable classes(JMSAppender/SocketServer/SimpleSocketServer)\nPlease provide the image name. \n"
    exit 1
if [ ! -d $dir ]; then 
    mkdir $dir
# save image to tar
docker save $1 -o $image_tar
# extract tar
$tar xf $image_tar -C $dir
# each layer is extracted to a folder, each folder has a "layer.tar". 
# Go into each folder, extract `layer.tar`, and use `jar` to remove the classes
# and package them back to `layer.tar` (-a to append), and delete the extracted folders.
# at last, package all layers + manifest.json and so back into another tar, WITHOUT COMPRESSION
cd $dir
# enter layer and exit
for layer in */; do
    echo Processing layer $layer
    cd $layer
    # tar does not support overwrite, as tape cannot be overwritten; so I wanted to remove the original jar from tar, 
    # then append it back with tar -u/-A/-r; but then I found tar --delete is extremely slow(by design)
    # so at last I have to extract all files and package them back
    sudo $tar --extract --directory=. --file layer.tar --wildcards "*.jar"   # file tree is preserved, so package them back is easy
    if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then 
        for f in $(find . -mindepth 1 -name "*.jar" -not -type l -printf "%P\n"); do # exclude jolokia.jar(link)
            sudo jar -tvf $f | grep -E "(*JMSAppender*.class|*SocketServer.class|*log4j*.class)"
            if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
                echo Found classes in $f
                read -p "Do you want to remove these classes? (Y/N) " option
                if [[ $option == 'Y' || $option == 'y' ]]; then
                    echo Removing class file from $f
                    sudo zip -d $f "*JMSAppender.class" "*SocketServer.class" "*SimpleSocketServer.class"
                    ######### here the correct syntax, finally #########
                    cat layer.tar | tar f - --delete $f > layer-new.tar
                    sudo mv layer-new.tar layer.tar
                    tar -rf layer.tar $f
                else continue

        sudo rm -r $(find . -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d -print)
    cd .. # back to $dir

cd ..

# tar will always include a folder "." as root. This function get rid of it, so the archive
# only contains the content of the folder
# compress will preserve ownership and group by default; and to extract while preserving the same info,
# we use '--same-owner', which is used by default when using sudo. 
# again, append all layers and files to new tar, without leading "."
echo after processing all layers, we are at $(pwd)
pack_all_without_period $dir amq-image-fixed.tar c
sudo rm -Irv $dir $image_tar