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EDIT: I now try with:

tar tf layer.tar -O | tar f - --delete $f > layer-new.tar


zcat -f layer.tar | tar f - --delete $f > layer-new.tar

But I fail with error:

tar: opt/amq/lib/optional/log4j-1.2.17.redhat-1.jar: Not found in archive
tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors

EDIT: I now try with:

tar tf layer.tar -O | tar f - --delete $f > layer-new.tar


zcat -f layer.tar | tar f - --delete $f > layer-new.tar

But I fail with error:

tar: opt/amq/lib/optional/log4j-1.2.17.redhat-1.jar: Not found in archive
tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors
deleted 305 characters in body
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I created a script for this:, which almost does the work, but with 2 jars one besides another, one with the class to remove, and another without it.


# tar needs find to package without ".". u for update, c for create
function pack_all_without_period() {
    find $1 -printf "%P\n" -type f -o -type l -o -type d | sudo tar -$3vf $2 --no-recursion -C $1 -T -

if [ -z $1 ]; then
    printf "Save the image as tar, extract, and enter each layer to remove the vulnerable classes(JMSAppender/SocketServer/SimpleSocketServer)\nPlease provide the image name. \n"
    exit 1
if [ ! -d $dir ]; then 
    mkdir $dir
# save image to tar
docker save $1 -o $image_tar
# extract tar
tar xf $image_tar -C $dir
# each layer is extracted to a folder, each folder has a "layer.tar". 
# Go into each folder, extract `layer.tar`, and use `jar` to remove the classes
# and package them back to `layer.tar` (-a to append), and delete the extracted folders.
# at last, package all layers + manifest.json and so back into another tar, WITHOUT COMPRESSION
cd $dir
# enter layer and exit
for layer in */; do
    echo Processing layer $layer
    cd $layer
    # tar does not support overwrite, as tape cannot be overwritten; so I wanted to remove the original jar from tar, 
    # then append it back with tar -u/-A/-r; but then I found tar --delete is extremely slow(by design)
    # so at last I have to extract all files and package them back
    mkdir temp
    sudo tar --extract --directory=temp --file layer.tar --wildcards "*.jar"   # file tree is preserved, so package them back is easy
    if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then 
        for f in $(find . -mindepth 2 -name "*.jar" -not -type l -printf "%P\n"); do # exclude jolokia.jar(link)
            sudo jar -tvf $f | grep -E "(*JMSAppender*.class|*SocketServer.class|*log4j*.class)"
            if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
                echo Found classes in $f
                read -p "Do you want to remove these classes? (Y/N) " option
                if [[ $option == 'Y' || $option == 'y' ]]; then
                    echo Removing class file from $f
                    sudo zip -d $f "*JMSAppender.class" "*SocketServer.class" "*SimpleSocketServer.class"
                    ######### here I need to delete the original jar with the classes I just deleted, but I don't know how ############
                    pack_all_without_period temp layer-new.tar u
                    mv layer-new.tar layer.tar -f
                else continue

        # append folders to tar, without leading "."
        # echo Appending modified folders to layer.tar anew
        # findpack_all_without_period temp/ -type d -printf "%P\n" | sudo tar uvf layer.tar --no-recursion -C . -T -r
    sudo rm -r $(find . -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d -print)
    cd .. # back to $dir
cd .. 

# tar will always include a folder "." as root. This function get rid of it, so the archive
# only contains the content of the folder
# compress will preserve ownership and group by default; and to extract while preserving the same info,
# we use '--same-owner', which is used by default when using sudo. 
# again, append all layers and files to new tar, without leading "."
pack_all_without_period $dir amq-image-fixed.tar c
#sudo rm -Irv $dir

# tar needs find to package withoutecho ".".after uprocessing forall updatelayers, cwe forare create
functionat pack_all_without_period$(pwd) {
    if [[ $3 == 'c' ]]; then
        find $1 -printf "%P\n" -type f -o -type l -o -type d | sudo tar -cvf $2 --no-recursion -Cpack_all_without_period $dir amq-T image-
    elif [[ $3 == 'u' ]];fixed.tar thenc
        find $1 -printf "%P\n" -type f -o -type l -o -type d | sudo tar -uvf $2 --no-recursionrm -CIrv $dir -T -$image_tar
    else exit 1

I created a script for this:

if [ -z $1 ]; then
    printf "Save the image as tar, extract, and enter each layer to remove the vulnerable classes(JMSAppender/SocketServer/SimpleSocketServer)\nPlease provide the image name. \n"
    exit 1
if [ ! -d $dir ]; then 
    mkdir $dir
# save image to tar
docker save $1 -o $image_tar
# extract tar
tar xf $image_tar -C $dir
# each layer is extracted to a folder, each folder has a "layer.tar". 
# Go into each folder, extract `layer.tar`, and use `jar` to remove the classes
# and package them back to `layer.tar` (-a to append), and delete the extracted folders.
# at last, package all layers + manifest.json and so back into another tar, WITHOUT COMPRESSION
cd $dir
# enter layer and exit
for layer in */; do
    echo Processing layer $layer
    cd $layer
    # tar does not support overwrite, as tape cannot be overwritten; so I wanted to remove the original jar from tar, 
    # then append it back with tar -u/-A/-r; but then I found tar --delete is extremely slow(by design)
    # so at last I have to extract all files and package them back
    mkdir temp
    sudo tar --extract --directory=temp --file layer.tar --wildcards "*.jar"   # file tree is preserved, so package them back is easy
    if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then 
        for f in $(find . -mindepth 2 -name "*.jar" -not -type l -printf "%P\n"); do # exclude jolokia.jar(link)
            sudo jar -tvf $f | grep -E "(*JMSAppender*.class|*SocketServer.class|*log4j*.class)"
            if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
                echo Found classes in $f
                read -p "Do you want to remove these classes? (Y/N) " option
                if [[ $option == 'Y' || $option == 'y' ]]; then
                    echo Removing class file from $f
                    sudo zip -d $f "*JMSAppender.class" "*SocketServer.class" "*SimpleSocketServer.class"
                    ######### here I need to delete the original jar with the classes I just deleted, but I don't know how ############
                    pack_all_without_period temp layer-new.tar u
                    mv layer-new.tar layer.tar -f
                else continue

        # append folders to tar, without leading "."
        # echo Appending modified folders to layer.tar anew
        # find temp/ -type d -printf "%P\n" | sudo tar uvf layer.tar --no-recursion -C . -T -
    sudo rm -r $(find . -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d -print)
    cd .. # back to $dir
cd ..
# tar will always include a folder "." as root. This function get rid of it, so the archive
# only contains the content of the folder
# compress will preserve ownership and group by default; and to extract while preserving the same info,
# we use '--same-owner', which is used by default when using sudo. 
# again, append all layers and files to new tar, without leading "."
pack_all_without_period $dir amq-image-fixed.tar c
#sudo rm -Irv $dir

# tar needs find to package without ".". u for update, c for create
function pack_all_without_period() {
    if [[ $3 == 'c' ]]; then
        find $1 -printf "%P\n" -type f -o -type l -o -type d | sudo tar -cvf $2 --no-recursion -C $dir -T -
    elif [[ $3 == 'u' ]]; then
        find $1 -printf "%P\n" -type f -o -type l -o -type d | sudo tar -uvf $2 --no-recursion -C $dir -T -
    else exit 1

I created a script for this, which almost does the work, but with 2 jars one besides another, one with the class to remove, and another without it.


# tar needs find to package without ".". u for update, c for create
function pack_all_without_period() {
    find $1 -printf "%P\n" -type f -o -type l -o -type d | sudo tar -$3vf $2 --no-recursion -C $1 -T -

if [ -z $1 ]; then
    printf "Save the image as tar, extract, and enter each layer to remove the vulnerable classes(JMSAppender/SocketServer/SimpleSocketServer)\nPlease provide the image name. \n"
    exit 1
if [ ! -d $dir ]; then 
    mkdir $dir
# save image to tar
docker save $1 -o $image_tar
# extract tar
tar xf $image_tar -C $dir
# each layer is extracted to a folder, each folder has a "layer.tar". 
# Go into each folder, extract `layer.tar`, and use `jar` to remove the classes
# and package them back to `layer.tar` (-a to append), and delete the extracted folders.
# at last, package all layers + manifest.json and so back into another tar, WITHOUT COMPRESSION
cd $dir
# enter layer and exit
for layer in */; do
    echo Processing layer $layer
    cd $layer
    # tar does not support overwrite, as tape cannot be overwritten; so I wanted to remove the original jar from tar, 
    # then append it back with tar -u/-A/-r; but then I found tar --delete is extremely slow(by design)
    # so at last I have to extract all files and package them back
    mkdir temp
    sudo tar --extract --directory=temp --file layer.tar --wildcards "*.jar"   # file tree is preserved, so package them back is easy
    if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then 
        for f in $(find . -mindepth 2 -name "*.jar" -not -type l -printf "%P\n"); do # exclude jolokia.jar(link)
            sudo jar -tvf $f | grep -E "(*JMSAppender*.class|*SocketServer.class|*log4j*.class)"
            if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
                echo Found classes in $f
                read -p "Do you want to remove these classes? (Y/N) " option
                if [[ $option == 'Y' || $option == 'y' ]]; then
                    echo Removing class file from $f
                    sudo zip -d $f "*JMSAppender.class" "*SocketServer.class" "*SimpleSocketServer.class"
                    ######### here I need to delete the original jar with the classes I just deleted, but I don't know how ############
                else continue

        # append folders to tar, without leading "."
        echo Appending modified folders to layer.tar anew
        pack_all_without_period temp layer.tar r
    sudo rm -r $(find . -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d -print)
    cd .. # back to $dir
cd .. 

# tar will always include a folder "." as root. This function get rid of it, so the archive
# only contains the content of the folder
# compress will preserve ownership and group by default; and to extract while preserving the same info,
# we use '--same-owner', which is used by default when using sudo. 
# again, append all layers and files to new tar, without leading "."
echo after processing all layers, we are at $(pwd)
pack_all_without_period $dir amq-image-fixed.tar c
sudo rm -Irv $dir $image_tar

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if [ -z $1 ]; then
    printf "Save the image as tar, extract, and enter each layer to remove the vulnerable classes(JMSAppender/SocketServer/SimpleSocketServer)\nPlease provide the image name. \n"
    exit 1
if [ ! -d $dir ]; then 
    mkdir $dir
# save image to tar
docker save $1 -o $image_tar
# extract tar
tar xf $image_tar -C $dir
# each layer is extracted to a folder, each folder has a "layer.tar". 
# Go into each folder, extract `layer.tar`, and use `jar` to remove the classes
# and package them back to `layer.tar` (-a to append), and delete the extracted folders.
# at last, package all layers + manifest.json and so back into another tar, WITHOUT COMPRESSION
cd $dir
# enter layer and exit
for layer in */; do
    echo Processing layer $layer
    cd $layer
    # tar does not support overwrite, as tape cannot be overwritten; so I wanted to remove the original jar from tar, 
    # then append it back with tar -u/-A/-r; but then I found tar --delete is extremely slow(by design)
    # so at last I have to extract all files and package them back
    mkdir temp
    sudo tar --extract --directory=temp --file layer.tar --wildcards "*.jar"   # file tree is preserved, so package them back is easy
    if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then 
        for f in $(find . -mindepth 2 -name "*.jar" -not -type l -printf "%P\n"); do # exclude jolokia.jar(link)
            sudo jar -tvf $f | grep -E "(*JMSAppender*.class|*SocketServer.class|*log4j*.class)"
            if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
                echo Found classes in $f
                read -p "Do you want to remove these classes? (Y/N) " option
                if [[ $option == 'Y' || $option == 'y' ]]; then
                    echo Removing class file from $f
                    sudo zip -d $f "*JMSAppender.class" "*SocketServer.class" "*SimpleSocketServer.class"
                    ########## here I shouldneed removeto delete the original jar filewith fromthe layer.tarclasses I just deleted, but I don't know how ############
                    findpack_all_without_period temp  layer-printfnew.tar "%P\n"u
 -type f -o -type l -o -type d | tar -uf layer.tar --no-recursion -C temp     mv layer-Tnew.tar layer.tar -f
                else continue

        # append folders to tar, without leading "."
        # echo Appending modified folders to layer.tar anew
        # find temp/ -type d -printf "%P\n" | sudo tar uvf layer.tar --no-recursion -C . -T -
    sudo rm -r $(find . -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d -print)
    cd .. # back to $dir
cd ..
# tar will always include a folder "." as root. This function get rid of it, so the archive
# only contains the content of the folder
# compress will preserve ownership and group by default; and to extract while preserving the same info,
# we use '--same-owner', which is used by default when using sudo. 
# again, append all layers and files to new tar, without leading "."
findpack_all_without_period $dir amq-image-fixed.tar c
#sudo rm -Irv $dir

# tar needs find to package without ".". u for update, c for create
function pack_all_without_period() {
    if [[ $3 == 'c' ]]; then
        find $1 -printf "%P\n" -type f -o -type l -o -type d | sudo tar -cvf amq$2 -C $dir -T -
    elif [[ $3 == 'u' ]]; then
        find $1 -printf "%P\n" -type f -o -type l -o -type d | sudo tar -uvf $2 --no-recursion -C $dir -T -
#sudo rm -Irv $dir else exit 1

if [ -z $1 ]; then
    printf "Save the image as tar, extract, and enter each layer to remove the vulnerable classes(JMSAppender/SocketServer/SimpleSocketServer)\nPlease provide the image name. \n"
    exit 1
if [ ! -d $dir ]; then 
    mkdir $dir
# save image to tar
docker save $1 -o $image_tar
# extract tar
tar xf $image_tar -C $dir
# each layer is extracted to a folder, each folder has a "layer.tar". 
# Go into each folder, extract `layer.tar`, and use `jar` to remove the classes
# and package them back to `layer.tar` (-a to append), and delete the extracted folders.
# at last, package all layers + manifest.json and so back into another tar, WITHOUT COMPRESSION
cd $dir
# enter layer and exit
for layer in */; do
    echo Processing layer $layer
    cd $layer
    # tar does not support overwrite, as tape cannot be overwritten; so I wanted to remove the original jar from tar, 
    # then append it back with tar -u/-A/-r; but then I found tar --delete is extremely slow(by design)
    # so at last I have to extract all files and package them back
    mkdir temp
    sudo tar --extract --directory=temp --file layer.tar --wildcards "*.jar"   # file tree is preserved, so package them back is easy
    if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then 
        for f in $(find . -mindepth 2 -name "*.jar" -not -type l -printf "%P\n"); do # exclude jolokia.jar(link)
            sudo jar -tvf $f | grep -E "(*JMSAppender*.class|*SocketServer.class|*log4j*.class)"
            if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
                echo Found classes in $f
                read -p "Do you want to remove these classes? (Y/N) " option
                if [[ $option == 'Y' || $option == 'y' ]]; then
                    echo Removing class file from $f
                    sudo zip -d $f "*JMSAppender.class" "*SocketServer.class" "*SimpleSocketServer.class"
                    # here I should remove the jar file from layer.tar, but I don't know how
                    find temp  -printf "%P\n" -type f -o -type l -o -type d | tar -uf layer.tar --no-recursion -C temp -T -
                else continue

        # append folders to tar, without leading "."
        # echo Appending modified folders to layer.tar anew
        # find temp/ -type d -printf "%P\n" | sudo tar uvf layer.tar --no-recursion -C . -T -
    sudo rm -r $(find . -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d -print)
    cd .. # back to $dir
cd ..
# tar will always include a folder "." as root. This function get rid of it, so the archive
# only contains the content of the folder
# compress will preserve ownership and group by default; and to extract while preserving the same info,
# we use '--same-owner', which is used by default when using sudo. 
# again, append all layers and files to new tar, without leading "."
find $dir  -printf "%P\n" -type f -o -type l -o -type d | sudo tar -cvf amq-image-fixed.tar --no-recursion -C $dir -T -
#sudo rm -Irv $dir

if [ -z $1 ]; then
    printf "Save the image as tar, extract, and enter each layer to remove the vulnerable classes(JMSAppender/SocketServer/SimpleSocketServer)\nPlease provide the image name. \n"
    exit 1
if [ ! -d $dir ]; then 
    mkdir $dir
# save image to tar
docker save $1 -o $image_tar
# extract tar
tar xf $image_tar -C $dir
# each layer is extracted to a folder, each folder has a "layer.tar". 
# Go into each folder, extract `layer.tar`, and use `jar` to remove the classes
# and package them back to `layer.tar` (-a to append), and delete the extracted folders.
# at last, package all layers + manifest.json and so back into another tar, WITHOUT COMPRESSION
cd $dir
# enter layer and exit
for layer in */; do
    echo Processing layer $layer
    cd $layer
    # tar does not support overwrite, as tape cannot be overwritten; so I wanted to remove the original jar from tar, 
    # then append it back with tar -u/-A/-r; but then I found tar --delete is extremely slow(by design)
    # so at last I have to extract all files and package them back
    mkdir temp
    sudo tar --extract --directory=temp --file layer.tar --wildcards "*.jar"   # file tree is preserved, so package them back is easy
    if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then 
        for f in $(find . -mindepth 2 -name "*.jar" -not -type l -printf "%P\n"); do # exclude jolokia.jar(link)
            sudo jar -tvf $f | grep -E "(*JMSAppender*.class|*SocketServer.class|*log4j*.class)"
            if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
                echo Found classes in $f
                read -p "Do you want to remove these classes? (Y/N) " option
                if [[ $option == 'Y' || $option == 'y' ]]; then
                    echo Removing class file from $f
                    sudo zip -d $f "*JMSAppender.class" "*SocketServer.class" "*SimpleSocketServer.class"
                    ######### here I need to delete the original jar with the classes I just deleted, but I don't know how ############
                    pack_all_without_period temp layer-new.tar u
                    mv layer-new.tar layer.tar -f
                else continue

        # append folders to tar, without leading "."
        # echo Appending modified folders to layer.tar anew
        # find temp/ -type d -printf "%P\n" | sudo tar uvf layer.tar --no-recursion -C . -T -
    sudo rm -r $(find . -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d -print)
    cd .. # back to $dir
cd ..
# tar will always include a folder "." as root. This function get rid of it, so the archive
# only contains the content of the folder
# compress will preserve ownership and group by default; and to extract while preserving the same info,
# we use '--same-owner', which is used by default when using sudo. 
# again, append all layers and files to new tar, without leading "."
pack_all_without_period $dir amq-image-fixed.tar c
#sudo rm -Irv $dir

# tar needs find to package without ".". u for update, c for create
function pack_all_without_period() {
    if [[ $3 == 'c' ]]; then
        find $1 -printf "%P\n" -type f -o -type l -o -type d | sudo tar -cvf $2 --no-recursion -C $dir -T -
    elif [[ $3 == 'u' ]]; then
        find $1 -printf "%P\n" -type f -o -type l -o -type d | sudo tar -uvf $2 --no-recursion -C $dir -T -
    else exit 1

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